Ch 16.

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It was late and Jisoo was sitting at her desk doing homework. She sighed and leaned back in her chair, putting her pen down.

She grabbed her phone at the corner of her desk and decided to text Jennie, knowing the girl would probably be getting ready for bed.

Jichu: What are you doing?

Jendeukie: I'm going to bed

Jichu: Good. It's late, get some rest.

Jendeukie: Okay :)

Jisoo went to lay on her bed as she sent Jennie a video message.

"Goodnight Jendeukie."

She laid on her bed with a smile on her face as she waited for a response. Her phone vibrated and she notices that Jennie had sent a video message back.

"Hm? Goodnight Jichu." Jennie says cutely.

Jisoo laughs to herself as she kicks her legs in excitement, against her bed, like a giddy teenage girl.

She cover her mouth with her hand in embarrassment. "Ahh she called me Jichu!" She laughs to herself. "Is she really human." She sighs to herself, with a bright smile. "Ah she almost killed me with that expression." She says before clicking it to play again.

"Hm? Goodnight Jichu."

Jisoo smiles and slaps herself on the cheek. "Kim Jisoo you need to go to sleep. You should hurry up and go to bed." She scolds herself, while repeatedly slapping her own cheek. "You have to go to sleep so that you can see Jendeukie in your dreams." She says turning onto her side and playing it again.

"Hm? Goodnight Jichu."

Jisoo smiles and hides her face in her pillow as she kicks her legs in frustration. "Aish, What should I do?" She says. "Let me watch it one more time."

"Hm? Goodnight Jichu."

She giggles and tosses her phone away from her, before turning off her lamp. She sighs as she rests her head against her pillow with a giddy smile on her face.

"Goodnight Jennie."


Jisoo was only asleep for around a half an hour when she heard the doorbell ring. She knew Rosé was spending the night at Lisa's so she groaned and got up to answer it.

She put on her slippers and shuffled towards the door. Once she opened it she was surprised to see Jennie standing there.


"I came to tell you something." Jennie says.

"You could've waited until I saw you tomorrow." Jisoo says softly.

"I have to say it now." Jennie says. "I...I'm sick!" She says loudly.

"Aw, is it from the beach? You should've taken medicine. Ah jinjja this is all my fault-"

"That's not it." Jennie says. Jisoo looks at her confusion but then Jennie is lifting her hand and placing it over her heart. "I have pain here." She says swallowing the lump in her throat. "And I just...I wanted to see you."

Jisoo stares at her for a moment before lunging forward to bring her in for a kiss. Jennie's arms wrap around her neck, and her legs wrap around her waist as Jisoo lifts her by the hips.

Jisoo does her best to navigate while her lips are still attached to Jennie's. She feels herself hit the couch and she immediately lays Jennie down on it as their tongues fight for dominance.

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