Ch 31.

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A/N: New Video! Let me know what you think!


3 days later.


Jennie was in the bathroom putting her earrings on in the mirror as she got ready. She could hear Jisoo in the living room shouting at the TV as she played a game with Lisa online.

"Jisoo!" Jennie calls out. "You need to start getting ready baby, or we're going to be late!"

"Yeah, Okay!" Jisoo shouts back. But Jennie can still here the game on and Jisoo scolding Lisa through the head set.

"Come at me Monoban!" Jisoo shouts.

Jennie made her way to the living room and sat right on Jisoo's lap. Jisoo just moved so that she could see the screen as she continued playing.

"Jisoo..." Jennie says trying to make eye contact with her.

"Yes?" Jisoo says. "God damn it Limario!" She shouts.

Jennie starts kissing up her neck in attempt to get her attention. She kisses her throat before moving up to her Jaw and sucking softly.

"GOD DAMN IT MONOBAN!" Jisoo shouts.

"Okay, you know what? I think that's enough video games for today." Jennie says taking her controller and setting it aside. "You need to get ready. If we're late to your sisters rehearsal dinner, you know she'll be mad at you." She says standing up and going back to their bedroom.

Jisoo grumbles and follows her. The two were headed to Joohyuns and Seulgi's wedding rehearsal dinner. After 2 years of being engaged they finally managed to schedule time off from their busy lives as Idols, for the wedding.

The wedding is one of the most talked about thing lately. A number of famous celebrities were set to attend, Jisoo and Jennie included obviously.

Jisoo walked into their walk in closet and laid on the floor with a sigh. Jennie threw a towel on top of her.

"Go shower babe." Jennie says hanging up their dry cleaning.

"Fine." Jisoo sighs getting up.


"Sometimes I question why we chose them." Rosé sighs as they sit in the limo listening to Jisoo and Lisa argue about their game earlier.

"I have no idea." Jennie agrees shaking her head at them.

"I couldn't help you! My legs were blown off!"

"Crawl god dammit! Crawl!"

"Oh yeah let me just pull my torso to you Unnie!"

"We didn't do the arm training for nothing!"

Jennie pulled out a bottle of whine and handed Chaeyoung a glass before pouring herself some. They both clinked glasses and watched as Jisoo and Lisa continued yelling at eachother.


"Cheers to Seulgi! For being crazy enough to marry my sister!" Jisoo smiles as she greets them.

Joohyun slaps her arm as Seulgi laughs. "Why are you late Jisoo?"

"Relax, it wasn't my fault."

"Uh yes it was." Jennie scoffs. "She was playing games with this one." Jennie says pointing at Lisa.

"Whaaaatt?" Jisoo scoffs. "Pfft. Nooo, I would not be late to my lovely sisters rehearsal dinner for a video game, are you kidding?" She plays off as both her fiancé and sister glare at her.

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