Ch 36. Happy.

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Mothers. They are the first person we ever have a connection with. We live within them for nine whole months. They go through the most excruciating pain to experience the most magical moment of their lives, and the result is you.

A little bundle of joy for them to love and cherish for as long as you both shall live, even beyond. That is how it's supposed to be. They nurture you, teach you, and shape you into the human being you are to become. They are your family. Everyone is unique and ultimately families exist in all manner of combinations.

"Are you sure you're okay with this?" Lisa asks for the tenth time as they stand in front of the gate.

"Yes I'm sure. Of course I love spending alone time together, you know just being us, but Junghoe is miserable without us." Chaeyoung says. "It has nothing to do with Jisoo and Jennie, he just hasn't been away from us for this long." She sighs.

"I know baby, and I agree with you. We both miss him and he misses us, so, let's go home." Lisa smiles and presses a kiss to her forehead.

They board their flight back home to Korea. Although they had fun on their anniversary trip they missed their son and wanted to get back to him. They were both happy and knew it was for the best.


After a long flight hours and driving they finally arrived at Jennie's and Jisoo's condo. Lisa tipped the taxi driver and held her hand as they made their way up.

It was night time, a little later than they had planned to arrive due to traffic. Junghoe would be getting ready for bed right now, meaning they needed to hurry.

Lisa texted Jisoo to open the door and a few minutes later Jennie opened it. They could hear Junghoe crying loudly and Jisoo trying to calm him down.

"Oh thank god." Jennie sighs letting them in. "You guys are back."

"Wow we raised a loud one." Lisa says hearing Junghoe's cries as they followed Jennie up the stairs to the nursery.

"You're telling me." Jennie says. "Junghoe, I think I might have something that will help you sleep." She says opening the door slowly to reveal Chaeyoung and Lisa.

"Mommy! Mama!" Junghoe shouts hopping off of Jisoo's lap as fast as he can and jumping into their arms.

He cries lightly as he wraps his arms around Chaeyoung's neck tightly.

"Hi buddy." Chaeyoung chuckles tearfully. "We missed you."

"I missed you too." He says as little sobs shake his body. "Why are you crying?" He asks.

"Because you're crying." Chaeyoung chuckles wiping her tears away.

"I wanted you guys here faster." Junghoe says as he turns to Lisa and opens his arms to her as well. Lisa takes him and hugs him tightly as she kisses his forehead.

"Oh my goodness I missed you so much." Lisa sighs.

"I thought you weren't gonna come." Junho says as his sobs subside.

"We would never lie to you Junghoe." Lisa whispers pressing a reassuring kiss to the top of his head. "Never baby."


"You guys can sleep in the guest room. Everything has been cleaned already." Jennie says quietly as she stands up from the couch.

They all were sitting and catching up, junghoe fast asleep on Lisa's chest, holding on tightly to her shirt. It was getting late, so they stood up as well.

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