Ch 26.

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Jennie's Eomma opened the door for her with a smile on her face.

"Kim Jisoo, Good morning." She says letting Jisoo in.

"Good morning Eomma-nim." Jisoo smiles.

"The girl's are still asleep, could you be so kind and wake them up for breakfast?" She asks.

"Of course." Jisoo nods before heading towards Lisa and Chaeyoung's room. She opened the door and immediately started to jump on the bed. "WAKE UP MAKNAE'S ITS TIME FOR SCHOOL!" She shouts.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry Eomma! I'm getting up, don't worry I'll make it in time I promise!" Rosé rambles throwing the covers off herself and looking for her pants.

Jisoo fell onto the bed laughing hysterically as Lisa groans loudly.

"Rosie come back to bed. We don't go to school today." Lisa mumbles.

"Oh." Rosé says sleepily stumbling back into bed.

"Are you guys still drunk or something?" Jisoo laughs. "Get up! Breakfast waits for you in the kitchen!"

"Yah Lalisa, we shouldn't keep breakfast waiting. He might get mad." Rosé says shaking Lisa's shoulder.

"Oh my god." Jisoo laughs standing up. "Fix your hair, come get food." She says walking out of the room over to Seulgi's and Irene's.

She crawled onto the bed and laid on top of her sister who was cuddled into Seulgi's side.

Irene must've thought she was suelgi because she sleepily wraps an arm around her and kissed her forehead. Jisoo grimaces and wipes her forehead. "Yah Unnie! Wake up!" She shouts.

"OH MY JISOO!" Irene shouts opening her eyes and shoving Jisoo off of her.

"GET UP!!!!!" Jisoo shouts jumping on the bed.

Seulgi groans and throws a pillow at her but she just catches it before laying down on the older couple. "OHHHH SEULGI UNNIE AND JOOHYUN UNNIE WAKE UP!" Jisoo sings.

"Alright alright!" Irene shouts sitting up. "Get off Jisoo." She sighs scratching her head.

"Ahhhh!" Jisoo shouts in horror and Irene covers her mouth with her hand. "Your hair looks like a monster." She mumbles and Irene glares at her. Jisoo coughs against her hand making her shout and remove it.

"Yah Kim Jisoo!" Irene shouts as Jisoo giggles and runs out of the room.

After waking everyone else up she quietly opened the door to Jennie's room. The younger girl was still fast asleep, and unbothered.


Jennie's eyes fluttered open to the feeling of Jisoo slipping into her bed. She immediately moved closer, and crawled on top of the older girl.

"You're alive." Jisoo chuckles.

"Shhh." Jennie says.

"Get up, I think you'll be surprised by what's in your kitchen." Jisoo says giving her bum a tap.

"Shhh." Jennie says again. She had a terrible hangover and she just wanted to sleep the rest of the day.

"Tell me to Shh again Jendeuk and I'll carry you into the kitchen myself." Jisoo says. "Gosh you're so weird when you're drunk."

"I am not weird! I'm perfectly normal." Jennie protest lifting her head from Jisoo's neck.

"You kept calling me by my full name for some reason. It was Kim Jisoo this, Kim Jisoo That." Jisoo says. "Do you remember everything?"

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