Chapter 1 ~ The Wish ~

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Hello! First I would like to mention that the idea for this fic emerged from reading in here. The idea in general emerged from neversayneverr1 (Check her out! :3 she has cool stories and she's a pretty nice girl!). I've found the idea of putting together Jiren (an individual extremely concerned with justice) and Hit (an assassin who will not stop until he's finished his work) both of them have hmm difficult personalities but that's what makes it fun isn't it? The main character will be an OC so feel free to feel that it's a x reader fic. Imagine the tension when you put someone so concerned about justice, with an assassin and one of the winners of the Tournament of Power in one single room, things do not look good at all for you...

Don't forget to vote guys 😘

~Somewhere, someone is whishing on a star for someone like you~


The Tournament of Power was finally over and only one universe was still standing, in 48 minutes 7 universes had been eliminated but that was a fancy way to say it, thousands, no millions of individuals had been murdered for the purpose of entertaining Zeno - sama it was disgusting seeing their happy expressions as they vanished universes, for them it was just a game, they didn't even care. You couldn't help but to wonder what would be the consequences of their next caprice?

"Cornelia, what do you think?" You couldn't help but feel bad about this whole situation, even though some of the guys you'd met in here were not nice or kind and had not principles at all, you couldn't stop thinking that their whole universes had been eliminated, innocent people, innocent lives had to pay.

"Cornelia..." If only you could... "Cornelia!"

"Hmm?" It was Krillin "Sorry! We're deciding what to do with the wish!" he said, you suddenly realized that they were all standing there, staring at you "Uhm, would you give me a minute?" You checked out your surroundings all of you were flying since the platform ended up destroyed but at least a bit portion of it was still there, in pieces. You looked at the grades and saw Frieza lying there, he was unconcious for all the power he used. Then you turned towards Goku who was showing his normal beautiful smile, remembering what just happened made you shiver. Dyspo was gone just as Gohan. 17, Frieza and you were still there fighting Toppo.

It was just Frieza, 17, Vegeta, Jiren, Toppo, Goku, and you. You helped Frieza, against Toppo, while Goku and Vegeta faced Jiren, it took you a while but you had managed to take out Toppo with Frieza, you told Frieza that you two should go help Goku but Frieza had other plans he wanted you out of his way, he knew you had a wish too and now that Toppo was gone you were just a burden. He tried to knock you out but you still had enough energy, you reacted fast, just in time and gave him a punch that would leave him out for a while it was easy since he was weak after facing Toppo so you went to check out Goku and Vegeta and noticed that Vegeta wasn't there anymore. You didn't want to interfere, you still had some strenght but not enough to face someone like that guy... Jiren, facing him would have been dumb, he was just in another level, an individual with all that strength was weird, unnatural, scary. You saw him facing Goku, Goku didn't look happy at all, Why? Did you miss something? and Jiren was different he was more violent, his power was overwhelming, he almost looked like...

"A beast" you said in a whisper. Suddenly you saw him turn in your direction, did he actually hear what you said? How was that possible? Your eyes met despite the long distance but he quickly turned his face when Goku attacked again.

To be honest... this wasn't the first time that this happened, you had been trying to approach to him too, there was something in him that attracted you, you wanted to fight him. Now you knew what had attracted your attention... that hidden power. It was amazing, you tried to approach just as Goku several times but something always came up, a friend needed help, an enemy got in your way, etc.

Playing with fire (Jiren X Reader X Hit) DBS/DBZWhere stories live. Discover now