Chapter 12 (Part 1) ~Everything has changed~

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~All I know is a simple name, everything has changed~

CHAPTER 12 (Part 1)

You sighed deeply and you opened your eyes very slowly, while doing this you stretched on your bed. Your body felt really rested, you needed it, yesterday you were just too tired, you could not even continue reading.

Wait, the book, where was it? You sat and looked around, it was on the furniture that was right next to your bed, perfectly accommodated, strange ... and another small detail, you were totally sure that yesterday you were laying on the coach, how did you get there? The answer was obvious, someone carried you there. That person not only took you to your bed but also covered you up, how is it possible that you didn't wake up after that? Whoever that was... well, how cute.

You turned around and you saw that Hit was there, and he was sleeping he looked so comfortable, you touched your lips and then you blushed. Hit... He really liked you, you remembered the kiss, so cute, so nice, no one had ever kissed you before and well you had to admit that it didn't feel bad at all, as a matter of fact, you liked it, maybe a bit too much. Now you finally understood what 18 meant when she talked about all that romantic stuff, hugs, kisses, and... well the rest. 18 was always too specific when she talked about Krillin and her in the intimacy, it was so embarrassing but she didn't have anyone else to talk about it, to talk about her relationship, her experiences, etc. So you as her best friend were always there to listen, and you learned too, you knew everything you needed to know.

You shook away those thoughts. Then you turned towards Jiren's bed and it was empty, actually it was perfectly accommodated, didn't he come to sleep? Where was he? The last thing you knew anything about him is that he was taking a shower yesterday. You checked out the time, it was too early, 5:00 am you were impressed but you weren't tired anymore but it was too early, you really didn't know what to do, Hit was asleep you didn't want to wake him up. You stood up slowly, and went to the closet, you were going to take a quick shower, you took a black shirt, blue shorts and your black converse, and also your blue socks you loved making your clothes match.




You finished and got out of the bathroom. This was such a wonderful morning, the sky was still dark but everything was so good and relaxing, maybe the climate was just a bit too hot but it was okay. Yes it was... Hit was still sleeping, then you checked again the clock 5:30, seriously? Welp you had to be ready at 8:00, what would you do in the meantime?... Then a ringtone interrupted your thoughts, you quickly picked your phone and answered.

"Cornelia? Sweetie?"

"Yes, it's me. Wait, Bulma? Is that you?"

"Ahhhh!! Honey! Yes, of course it's me! Sweetie, I have something to tell you, are you busy right now?"

"No not at all" you said, smiling wide. You got out from the room so you wouldn't wake Hit up and you went to the kitchen, you wanted to drink something, you were so thirsty, maybe some orange juice...

"Okay, first of all I've already sent your stuff and other clothes with Whiss, you have no idea of how hard it was to make him come for them, I had to prepare a huge buffet for him but haha well the important thing is that your stuff should be there for all of you in an hour"

"Bulma! Really? Woah!! Thank you!! You didn't forget the phone for Vegeta right?"

"Well of course not sweetie!! After all I needed to talk to him today"

"Oh really? Why?" you asked curious

"Cornelia!! Today it's Valentine's Day!!"

"Ohh my you are right!! I'm sure Vegeta misses you a ton!!"

Playing with fire (Jiren X Reader X Hit) DBS/DBZWhere stories live. Discover now