Chapter 5 ~A Sadness Runs Through Him~

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~But here was a man, mourning tomorrow who drank, but finally drowned in his sorrow~


You got out from the bathroom and you didn't see Bergamo there. Weird... You knocked him he should still be laying on the floor. Maybe the other two wolves came for him, welp you didn't really care probably he would forget what happened once he woke up, all you wanted was him as far from you as possible.

You walked to the main room which was empty but you heard a lot of noise in the entrance so you went to take a look. It was recess time and everyone was talking, to each other outside in the beautiful park, some people was walking, some others were eating, and then you saw your friends and rushed to them.

"Heya guys!" Everyone turned and smiled but Vegeta and Goku were missing "Where are Goku and Vegeta?", Piccolo pointed towards a table where you noticed there was a buffet, and of course Goku and Vegeta eating everything they found. "Of course" you said smirking and began talking to your friends about their class and about yours.

- Hit -

Hit was leaning against the tree, hands in his pockets, under the shadow of a tree calmed and relaxed. He opened his eyes and began to scan everyone quickly, until he located you. A little smile showed in his face, a genuine smile. What a vision you were for him. He could hardly keep his eyes off of you whenever you walked into a room. How did this happened? He really didn't know. He began to remember, the first time you two met. A girl getting in the middle of his job. Hit in his own universe was known as one of the most famous and deadly assassins, he was precise and he always accomplished his tasks. He was used to people looking at him with fear, horror, anger... and then he was asked to murder Goku, and you, a dumb child had gotten in to his way. He was surprised, no one had ever gotten in his way but still there you were. In that moment he admired your courage your eager to protect your friend.

"I don't know you, and I don't really want to fight. But you want to murder my friend and that's something I can't let you do. Now come..." It was the first time someone dared him to fight, the first time someone did not look at him with fear, in your eyes he could only see bravery, and you did gave him a good battle.

After everyone noticed that Goku had contracted him. Well, everything calmed down. He was about to leave but he felt someone grabbing him by the arm delicately. It was you, you asked him to stay as an apology for Goku's actions she mentioned that they were going to make a barbecue. He looked at you, the words to refuse your request did formulate but they did not leave his mouth. He got lost in your smile, so carefree and full of joy, and your eyes... "Okay, but just for a while. I'm busy" Hit was not busy at all, he was going to go back to his universe, probably to a bar or to his own apartment. It was the first time Hit actually shared a table with more people, people who didn't looked at him with fear, he had never seen so many smiles in a single place in which he was in. It was the first time he felt that calm and you were beside him talking to everyone, having a good time but also talking to him, you were so curious about him, you had never met an assassin, and even if Hit didn't want to accept it, that night he was happy. He remembered your hospitality... just enough to make him catch his breath every now and then when he saw you out of the corner of his eye.

From that time you two met with the excuse of fighting and training, you wanted to learn from him. He saw your eyes sparkling in admiration and he liked it, in those times you two started talking a little more. He noticed that you certainly didn't need a lot of train you were strong almost as much as Son Goku, in those moments you two got the chance to interact more directly, until you both ended up being very good friends.

When he knew you would be in the Tournament of Power he didn't like the idea. Until he saw you could defend yourself, you were smart and you always found your way out of every situation. Then Jiren came and well, he was gone with his entire universe and there he regretted not doing so many things, one of them was discovering more about those new feelings he found in Universe 7, in planet Earth, for your friends, for you... Before leaving he hoped you could make it to the end, he hoped you could survive.

Playing with fire (Jiren X Reader X Hit) DBS/DBZWhere stories live. Discover now