Chapter 10 ~Alive~

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~Wait, what's this? Sweet miss... I thought I had lost you... It's faith, what bliss , sweet miss, your folly will cost you... Dear... My dear... you'll see you'll never escape me. ~


You went through the corridor then you saw Jiren there with the door open. "Jiren? Who is it?" He didn't turn like, he wasn't even listening to you he was looking seriously at whoever was on the other side of the door.

Who could it be?

You decided to approach and Jiren noticed this and looked at you but you were already there next to him, and then you saw who was at the door.

"Dyspo?" It was Dyspo himself, but he wasn't wearing his usual clothes. He was wearing a white formal shirt, black formal pants, and formal black shoes he looked cool but you wondered, what was he doing there? Also you noticed something else, he looked nervous, too nervous. Why? You looked at Jiren but his gaze was fixed in Dyspo, he looked so serious, did you interrupt anything?

"What are you doing here?" Then Dyspo looked at you but different, he looked relieved of seeing you, then he smiled. "Hi Cornelia, well you told me that you were going to go to the bar with your friends and well me too so I thought that maybe we could go together" How cute!!! No one had ever picked you up for anything before, well yeas but not for something like this hehe, you smile wide "Dyspo! Thank you, I appreciate it a lot. Actually I already have everything I need and I'm ready if you want we can..." "Oh! Perfect then let's go!" Suddenly you felt a grip in your wrist and before you could say a thing you were being pulled towards him "Ah! D-Dyspo wait!!" too late, you were practically being dragged towards the elevator.

Now in front of the elevator Dyspo pushed quickly the button, and you two waited there "Hahaha Dyspo you run so fast" you said recovering your breath then the elevator doors opened and you two entered "Phew" Dyspo suddenly looked more relaxed. "Dyspo, Are you okay?" the doors closed.

"Yes, I am, it's just" he turned towards you "No, ignore me hehe I, let's just go have fun" You did not believe that. It was weird, the elevator stopped and its doors opened. Dyspo was offering you his hand and you took it "Okay, let's go" you smiled as you took his hand and both of you walked to the bar, he wasn't going to tell you anything, you knew it.

The bar was full of people! and well it was late, some people were drunk and some other people were dancing a lot, the music was pretty good, you would have love to dance but you didn't really know how, on second thought maybe you should look for your friends, you were about to say goodbye to Dyspo when someone interrupted.

"HEY DYSPO!!" You heard a strong voice coming from one of the tables and then you saw the Pride Troopers, they looked like celebrities or something like that maybe it wasn't their intention but they looked pretty cool, like the Avengers. Then you were approaching to them Why? Oh! Dyspo was still holding your hand and he was taking you with him, and well there was no way out now, you were in front of them.

"LITTLE LADY! How are you?" You smiled wide "Hello Mr. Toppo, I am doing good. What about you?" He was wearing a blue suit, they all looked so elegant "Pretty good! Oh I wanted to thank you and apologize for what happened yesterday, Son Goku and I were having a uh, ehm competition and well it didn't end in the best way. Cabba told me that Jiren and you took us to our room so..."

"JIREN!?" Almost everyone said surprised looking at you, the ones that didn't say anything were shocked "What was Jiren doing with you?" you heard a female voice, it was Cocotte and she was wearing a red dress a really small red dress, it didn't leave too much to the imagination, and she well she wasn't happy. "They are roommates" Toppo said, she looked surprised but the looked at you with a gaze that you could recognize, anger "now as I was saying, thank you little lady" he said sincerely.

Playing with fire (Jiren X Reader X Hit) DBS/DBZWhere stories live. Discover now