Chapter 4 ~Dark Horse~

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Okay, this one might be long. Thank you so much for reading this story and for commenting! I love reading comments! and welp I don't really have too much to say now so, here's chapter 4! :3
Don't forget to vote guys 😘

~So you wanna play with magic? Boy you should know what you're falling for~


The sun's rays slowly woke you up, you opened your eyes, your body felt so rested, the clock in the table indicated 8:30. You jumped out of bed realizing how late it was and kept saying to yourself, "I'm late, I'm late, I'm sooo late". You went to the closet and grabbed some clothes, you took a blue T - shirt from your favorite American football team "Patriots". Oh now you remembered the Super Bowl was going to be on February 4? They would go against the Philadelphia Eagles you had to see it, good luck you had a TV. You took your black shorts and blue converse and ran to the bathroom to change, you decided to leave your straight hair loose as always.

Once you were ready you got out and checked the clock, it only took you 3 minutes. "Phew". You noticed a delicious smell coming from the kitchen. You checked out the beds and Jiren was still asleep.

"No way..." you thought, going to the kitchen.

You went to the kitchen and looked over at the stove where Hit had some bacon, sausages, and eggs. He was cooking! Hit cooks! It all looked absolutely delicious. Then he stopped and turned his head towards you.

"Good morning, I just didn't know you could cook. I'm impressed" You said as you approached, once you were beside him you placed your hands over his arm, and you got on your toes to get closer and smell the food "Hmm delicious" you said and you weren't lying at all it looked indeed delicious. Then turned towards Hit who seemed a bit uncomfortable while he looked at you.

"Would you set the table please" He said as he continued cooking "Sure, and I'll go wake Jiren up" you said as you left the kitchen.

You still had 25 minutes left, quite enough. You were surprised, you didn't know Hit could cook welp he was more than a thousand years old, plenty time to learn to do several stuff you thought as you walked to the room where the beds were.

Your eyes focused in Jiren who seemed to be pretty comfortable, you had never imagined that you would ever see him like this and dressed like that too, he was wearing a white shirt and black pants. You didn't even want to wake him up but then he wouldn't eat and he would also be late.

You approached to him slowly. He was now on his stomach snoring agitated, his cheek resting on the pillow, you poked his arm and he groaned softly "Jiren?"

*Okay...* You focus in Jiren again, and you approach to his face but you see something weird, he was sweating and his jaw was tense. Was he having a nightmare? Because it certainly looked like it. You place your palm now on his arm and surprised since it he was emanating so much heat, his skin was burning! You moved his arm a bit "Jiren? " he moaned a little. You were going to do it again but suddenly your hand was stopped by his, you felt a strong grip in your arm. You were not expecting that, he pulled it and you tried to resist but you were already in the air.

He threw you onto the bed and then got on top. He stood on his hands and knees, restraining you so you couldn't move. He had your wrists pinned against the pillow with one single hand and the other one was ready to attack. You were in shock, you knew you could have reacted and defended but you didn't want to start a fight.

"Jiren!" you said a bit louder, he already had his eyes open, he was sweating, and his breath was too accelerated. "Are you okay?" you said a bit worried now, his pupils were dilated. He looked around like if he was analyzing where he was, then you could feel that he began to calm down a bit, he blinked and finally looked down at you. You noticed that your clothes were creased and messed up as well as your hair "I am okay" he muttered.

Playing with fire (Jiren X Reader X Hit) DBS/DBZWhere stories live. Discover now