Chapter 14 ~Come A Little Bit Closer~

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I would like to recommend you all a pretty good story which is being written by @Eerricab, it's called DBS/DBZ A DESTROYED WORLD and it is pretty good!! It has characters like our sweet Jiren, Hit and others. It is a fanfic which is about to get super intense, check it out whenever you can.

For the moment, Enjoy!!

~ So I started walking her way, she belonged to a bad man José ~


Time sure went flying sometimes

In less than you expected a whole month had just passed, so much had happened in the meantime, just so much.

Now you were in the pool just laying on your floating pool mat, yes turns out that this place had a pool too. Actually it had tons of rooms with different purposes, that's why there were so many halls, each door had a surprise, there was even a sauna, a music room, a library, a gymnastics room, an observatory, God there was even a store with souvenirs. How did you know about them? well you had been investigating with Dyspo, both of you had always been too curious about this whole place. During the break both of you would escape once in a while to investigate each one of this rooms and make a map, and even now, you were sure about that there were still many places that you hadn't seen yet. Dyspo would frequently invite you at nights to spend the time with him and the Pride Troopers who turned out to be pretty cool people, they were funny and awesome, so the nights in which you weren't with your own universe's friends you were with them. What you didn't understand is why Jiren wasn't there with them... He would always stay in the dorm, meditating. Eventually, you found out that he didn't even sleep, one night you decided to follow him, you were surprised of the fact that he didn't find out that you were following him, of course you were being careful so he wouldn't find out. What did Jiren do every single night?

Train, over and over again...

Almost every night, you didn't understand how he had the energy to do that, sometimes you found him falling asleep while meditating in the balcony, and you had to admit that he just looked so cute, when that happened. He didn't look dangerous at all, he didn't look as a bad person, he looked so... uff nice. As you didn't want to bother him, you usually ended up putting a blanket over his shoulders, trying to cover him. You couldn't remember the last time he used his bed to actually sleep. That man was still a mystery for you...

Yet, both of you had been spending a lot of time together, first of all in the Mortal Rate class you two were a team, the best team of the class. You always finished every single activity perfectly and fast, you two were just a great team and not only in that. Somehow both of you ended up being a team during Whiss practices too, the best team. Some people would actually stop their own practice to look at both of you, your fights according to some people were amazing and interesting.

"Y'know girl? Every single time you guys fight it is like everything else disappeared, both of you look so focused in each other" Some girls ended out being super jealous, turns out that Jiren had a group of fans from which Ribrianne was the leader, surprisingly you found out that they were not the only ones who were unsatisfied by this, Dyspo, Cocotte, and specially Hit.

You didn't figure it out, but 18 did and she told you, you didn't pay attention to anything while fighting, 18 was right in that. Every single time you fought with Jiren. Everything else disappeared... You were only focused in him, in his every move. He was truly amazing... and you didn't just train at Whiss classes, every single morning Jiren and you would practice before breakfast, it was the best, he corrected you and helped you improving. You could feel your body adapting to this new challenge, becoming stronger, faster. Your movements were now more precise, you could feel the power inside you growing.

Playing with fire (Jiren X Reader X Hit) DBS/DBZWhere stories live. Discover now