Chapter 25 ~Brandy~

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"The sailors say: "Brandy, you're a fine girl, what a good wife you would be. Yeah, your eyes could steal a sailor from the sea""


"Wow Goku... You brought a lot of vegetables" you said as you looked at everything that Goku brought in the bags, you look around and everyone is doing something, Toppo was doing cutting the lettuce, Dyspo was ehm doing something with the broccoli and Goku was cutting bread or it kinda looked like that also you had tried to make the cake, hopefully it would be good, you followed all the instructions.

"Hmmm do ya really think that?" He said as he analyzed the way in which he was going to cut the bread, he hadn't cut anything he was just looking at it hypnotized "Hehehe yeah in here there's food like for an army..." Wait... then you remembered how much Goku ate, it was like if his stomach grew a bit every single day "uhm y'know what? Forget it, this is perfect"

"Hey Cornelia can I have one of these little trees?" Dyspo said, you turned to look at him. He was smiling wide then you looked at what he had in his hands, it was broccoli... you giggled a little "Uhm Dyspo, that is called broccoli, it's not a tree"

"Nooo, nooo it's a bonsai I checked it out. Look what if instead of eating it we get a pot for it? And we can put in it some land and fertilizer and then once it grows we could like cut it and then make shapes with it and all that stuff " he said excited as he looked at you "What do ya think?" You were about to burst in laughter but you relaxed.

"Ehm hehe Dyspo I don't really think that is a good idea, if we don't eat them soon they are going to rot, look try to cut it this way" you said as you approached to him, grabbed the knife and then begin to cut it as Milk showed you in a time in which she wasn't that jealous and she could still stand your presence "Oh okay I'll try" he said taking the knife from your hands, he approached and began to cut it at a really fast speed, it was hard to see his hand and the knife you couldn't see it because of the speed in which it was moving, then another voice interrupted your thoughts. "I...I always thought that it was hard to cook" that was Toppo's voice, you couldn't see what he was doing since he was turning in the opposite direction and his big back covered everything "But this is going to be too easy" you smiled, finally you found someone who was not having trouble with the food, you approached slowly to congratulate Toppo and then your face deformed in to an expression filled with fear, Toppo had a giant knife in his hand, it had the size of your head and it looked like if he was about to murder the lettuce "NO!! Noo..." you said as you stopped him "Calm down! Calm down!"

"Oh! What is it little lady" Toppo said curious but he looked so dangerous with that giant knife in hand "Toppo that is not the knife to cut this kind of vegetable hehe plus first you gotta separate the leaves and then clean them to disinfect them" you said giggling a little bit nervous. "AHH isn't it clean yet?" Goku said as he turned curious "Haha well of course not Goku, they just sell the product" you swear, these guys were going to make you burst in laughter at any moment "WOOW What a bad service, I always clean the vegetables I sell" Goku yelled as he focused his attention in the piece of bread again "YES! That is not JUST!!" Toppo yelled too as he acquired his typical pose, the thing is that he still had that knife in his hand, you avoided it and once Toppo was doing his pose you noticed he had cut some of Goku's hairs "T-Toppo! Calm... calm... calm down, I uhm what if we do something different from salad? Huh? Hehe"

"PFF yeah who needs that salad right? We didn't want to eat healthy after all, right Dyspo?"

"Heh? Yeah sure whatever" Dyspo said as he continued cutting the broccoli in extremely small pieces you looked around and found in the middle of all the food a little box, you took it out and it was spaghetti "Oh look! Spaghetti, look Toppo we could cook this together it's pretty delicious!" you said as you approached "Oh sure little lady" he said as he left the knife aside, phew... okay "Look, let's read the instructions" both of you began to read the instructions and began to boil the water and add all the necessary stuff to it, after some minutes the delicious smell of the spaghetti spread out in the place "Hmm Little lady!! This smells delicious!" Toppo said excited "Oh my!! Hehe yeah it does, looks like you are really good at cooking Toppo"

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