Chapter 32 ~ Bring Me To Life ~

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~ How can you see into my eyes like open doors? Leading you down, into my core where I've become so numb, without a soul, my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold until you find it there, and lead it, back, home ~


Everything had been so fast from the moment in which Quitela's army made its first move. The fighters weren't ready for that attack, the scenario was terrifying an entire universe against 80 fighters.

It was a massacre... There was no other way to describe it.

Corpses of fighters from every universe were laying on the floor, the place was a living hell, there was fire everywhere, screams... The God of Destruction found out that he actually liked this scenario a lot, it was so amusing, now he only had to stick to the plan, that's what Mojito indicated... It was a pretty good plan, destroy their staffs which they use to carry out their duties as attendants, without them they would not be able to communicate with anyone else to ask for help, without them they would only have their abilities to protect themselves... his army would eliminate the strongest fighters of every single universe, and then you would destroy the survivors, the strongest for sure, the ones that were left... unless they wanted to join him, in that way he would leave every multiverse defenseless, the angels would be distracted by the tragedy, by all this mess and finally he would be able to focus on what he really wanted, the super dragon balls.

It had just been half an hour and the land trembled because of all the explosions and battles that were taking place, there were still fights all over the place, your friends were still alive, but they were having a bad time, usually they would have ended this situation really fast but there were just too many fighters from Quitela's universe, they were outnumbered no matter how fast they finished with an enemy, immediately another one would appear to replace that one, your friends were giving their best to protect other people and to protect themselves. "Now it is just a matter of time sweetie" The God continued walking slowly as you followed him close "Hmm anyway why don't we take a little walk huh?"

"As you please my lord"





"Enter in here please and be quiet" Toppo indicated as the people entered in the secret hideout, there they would be safe, a good quantity of fighters was hiding there, they were there meanwhile the other Pride Troopers and your friends distracted the enemies, the people would wait there and when they thought they had killed them all they would leave, of course everything would be so much easier if they could fly. "The Great Priest? Where is the Great Priest!?" one of the pride troopers asked.

"I don't know but we must protect everyone"

"Toppo, I don't think we can handle this anymore... they are too many, and where is Jiren?" Dyspo asked, Toppo knew exactly where he was... he saw his look when you appeared, he couldn't blame him though, he was in shock too when he saw you were the one who had destroyed the staffs, not only he didn't understand why you were there but he was surprised of the speed that you had reached, of the power... You destroyed the Great Priest's staff, and it didn't take you any effort... but then he noticed there was something wrong, something, he could see it in your eyes, like if your body was there but you were gone... He would have go after you to help but he couldn't, he had to protect all these people, that was his main thought but he saw something different in his friend, he saw it in his gaze, he was evidently surprised when he saw you next to the god of destruction and when he saw you leaving, he didn't even hesitated he went after you, people got in the middle of his way but he pushed them away, literally, when someone got in his way he knocked them off with a single punch as he continued.

Playing with fire (Jiren X Reader X Hit) DBS/DBZWhere stories live. Discover now