Chapter 8 ~Fear the Fever~

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Hello! I want to thank neversayneverr1 for giving me some cool ideas for this chapter!! (Long intro the chapter is below, keep scrolling if you want) 

~You know you're not safe here, I'll only bring you down~


You followed the crowd to the main hall, Whiss was there waiting for all of you.

"Okay all of you follow this corridor, then turn to the right and you will find the cafeteria, please be careful and don't run" the crown continued moving as they followed Whiss instructions you turned to the angel quickly before going to the corridor "Good morning Whiss!"

"Ahhh Good morning Cornelia!" You really liked talking to Whiss he was such a wise being, and of course you loved training with him, he always made you reach your limits. Once you finished these classes you would ask him to train you like when he did with Vegeta, Goku, and you. You continued walking, curious about the cafeteria, then you finally got there. There was already people in there. The place was really big, elegant, and bright, the angels really had good taste. Leaving aside the beautiful design of the place, it was a normal dining room, there were 8 large tables, for 8 universes. On the left side there was the buffet, there were many dishes and cutlery perfectly ordered. Many people went to occupy their places with their companions, you, well ... You were starving because you did not have dinner yesterday. You rushed to the buffet and your eyes sparkled.

Hot cakes, cake, hot chocolate, eggs, sausages, bacon... This was like being in heaven. You grabbed a plate and cutlery and then you saw that Vados was there, on the other side of the table where the food was, she was wearing a kitchen apron, she looked so cute, as always!

"Good morning lady Cornelia" You knew each other already, she had visited Earth a couple of times and you had invited her and Champa to eat some delicious Earth food whenever they had time, they were such a good and funny company, you tried to be careful though since if Beerus – sama found out that you were inviting his brother and not him to enjoy your planet's food he would get mad. You remembered that you were invited to participate in a tournament between Universe 7 and 6, you thought about going but were training in that time so there was no chance.

"Good morning Vados! And nice apron! What are you doing here?" She smiled widely "I am helping to serve the food and to supervise the behavior of all of you and Thank you" she giggled.

"Ah Let me serve you some food sweetheart!" She extended her hand "Oh sure!" you gave her your plate "Tell me what you want and I'll serve it! There's plenty food"

You decided to pick 7 hot cakes, you loved hot cakes and maybe it was an excessive quantity but meh... Vados said that it was Earth food. She also said the buffet was going to change every week, that every week they would put food from different universes and you found that really interesting you were curious about how the food from other universes would taste. After talking for a while to Vados and accidentally delaying the row you went to take a seat, you found your friends table and rushed towards them.

Almost everyone was there, except for Goku and 17. You turned around and noticed that everyone was with their own universe, no one was sharing table with a single person of other universe. Probably they do not want to step out of their comfort zone. Almost all the universes were here already, except for Jiren's universe they were serving themselves their food and Jiren was in his table already, alone, looking at his plate which had some hot cakes. Wait haha he picked the exact same thing that you picked? There was plenty food and he picked that? Well maybe he didn't know what the other food was and he just picked the same thing you picked. He looked so cute, he was poking the hot cakes with his fork. You saw that everyone was looking at the food weird but once they tried it well they couldn't stop eating it, they were actually enjoying it, you couldn't blame them Earth's food is awesome. You smiled, you were happy. You then talked to your friends for a while as you enjoyed your own food, in the middle of the table there was butter, honey, different kinds of syrup, and surprisingly you found Nutella, now that was a surprise.

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