Thank y'all!!

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Hello everyone!! This is not a chapter, but I'll be updating the next one in the following days! 💓 I am dedicating this to talk about something else, to talk about all of you, the awesome readers!! Welp I don't want to bore you guys hehe so I'll try to be brief, I promise! As the title says I want to thank you all!! Seriously, I never expected that this story would reach so many people, or that through this story I would meet wonderful people 😝 but mostly I must admit that I'm glad of the fact that you guys enjoy this story, when I read you comments and see your support through the votes you give me tons of incentives to continue writing, also I've received several messages that had been so motivating!! You guys are so cute!! I also wanna mention some special people that I must definetly thank for their constant support, ideas, and friendship hehe.

* First of all thank you (again) to @neversayneverr1  as I mentioned in the first chapter, the idea of making a school after the tournament in so the universes would learn how to improve their relationships and to elevate their mortal rank was created by her and I thought about using that idea but making it something larger by reading the fic she wrote. If I hadn't read that story welp hehe this story probably wouldn't exist! I'll leave here her fic which is a compilationof one shots (which is awesome)

@Eerricab!! Girl!! you are so awesome!! Thank you for all your support, you were one of my first readers and then you became an awesome friend, it's always cool to talk to you and to discuss about plots for our stories, I want to thank you for all your support and of course for being such a cool friend 😊 GUYS She has an awesome and spectacular fic!! it is called A DESTROYED WORLD and it has an awesome drama filled with action, romance, and mystery!! (the moments between the boys like Jiren, Goku, Hit, Vegeta, etc with the protagonist girls are intense and uff hehe you should just go now and reat that story hehe) the link is here 💓

@Punkrockstar98 Oh golly haha what can I say about you? You give me inspiration when my brain and ideas are super stuck, you help me improve this story and you always give me several advices and ideas, you are just so awesome!! You are great at creating drama and good moments!! Thank you a ton for your support srsly and for your cool friendship too  💓

@TeamJNPR22 Oh girl!! you are just so spectacular, not only you are an awesome girl but also you have been giving me support with this story, you never miss a chapter and you are awesome, you gave me several ideas for many chapters which are here I feel super honored of the fact that you like my story and also of the fact that you create so many wonderful little stories from it! thank you!!

Also thanks to all the people who always leave comments and votes!! they are extremely appreciated and I always read and answer all of them :3 I love Reading your thoughts guys, so keep them coming!! they inspire me to continue writing!! Thank you for Reading this fic!! If ya guys wanna make like one shots, art, or something else about this story feel free to do it and let me know to give y'all a shout out!! Also if ya guys want to talk to me go and do it hehe I don't bite ;P you guys can send me a message, feel free to do it! I was also thinking about making a discord server about DBS and I can do it if ya guys want :P and welp! that is basically all that I wanted to say, thank y'all!!! send you lovely hugs and kisses to wherever you are!!! 💓💓💓

Playing with fire (Jiren X Reader X Hit) DBS/DBZWhere stories live. Discover now