Chapter 12 (Part 2) ~Wham Bam Shang A Lang~

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~Ooh Ooh baby we've been a long long way, and who's to say where we'll be tomorrow, well my heart says no, but my mind says it's so~

CHAPTER 12 (Part 2)

OHHH MY GOD!! You just couldn't be more excited, you were going to go home!! Earth! You would probably see some of your friends from school, maybe you should call them... you would see some old friends like Yamcha, and also the little kids like Goten and Trunks, and all your other friends in Earth. You looked at your friends, all of them looked excited, no wonder why. They would all spend time with their families, well maybe Goku was just more excited about the food, also you could swear that you saw a little smile in Vegeta's face.. Hmm family... They were your family, your friends, they... were always there for you, all of them. Who needs a normal family? Heh...

"Well, I must admit that this idea makes me feel excited, I will finally spend a romantic night with Krillin" 18 said smiling as she approached to you "Hmm, but aren't we supposed to invite someone from other universe?" you asked, you were actually curious about what her response would be "Yes hun, and I'll go with someone else but once we're there I'll go for my husband, I don't think there's a problem with me trying to spend some time with my little boy" she winked at you "Uhhh... bad girl" you teased winking too. "Eh you know me...and what are you gonna wear tonight? Oh, Bulma also sent some formal and casual dresses we should check them out"

"Hmm, I... I don't really know. I checked some of the clothes she sent but I didn't have enough time to check everything out. Yeah! We should, I think I'm gonna need your help to pick something"

"Oh well, I could go to your room later and we could get ready together" she looks at you smirking "18! That's a wonderful idea!!" you said excited. Right now you had a lot of time, you really didn't know what to do in the meantime, also, who would you invite?

"Hmm 18? Who... ehm who are you going to invite?" you questioned, you really were pretty curious. Maybe you could invite Hit...

"Me? Invite someone? Hahaha no girl, I'm going to wait until someone invites me" She looked so confident of that someone would invite her, and well you wouldn't be surprised, she was so beautiful and cool, she should probably have many admirers by now. "And you should do the same girl"

"Ehm 18... I don't think that's a good plan" maybe it would work for her but for you? Hahaha no way

"Trust me girl, when have I failed you?" Now she had a point, she somehow was always right in this kind of stuff "Hmm okay, I'll trust you"

Everyone began to leave the main room, some people went to their rooms, some others to the bar, others outside, and some others to places which you didn't know. Then you saw him, Hit... you two had a pending talk you were going to go talk to him, you wanted to talk to him about what had happened, the kiss, your relationship, everything. You got closer and then you could look at him better, he looked weird, you couldn't tell but he looked more serious than usual. Then you saw him walking in to a corridor, no one noticed this, he was like a ghost. No wonder why he was the best assassin of his entire universe, if you hadn't been looking at him you wouldn't have even noticed him, also he was hiding his ki. Where was he going? You decided to follow him.

Hit continued walking and walking, why were there so many corridors? Right, left, left and then he stopped, you checked out and he was entering in to a room what was he doing?... Hit... You waited and then decided to approach as you lowered your ki, then you positioned next to the door and heard.

" an important task, and as you may understand we want it to be fulfilled with total discretion, do whatever you do with the subject, we just want it out, don't leave any track, don't leave anything, make it look like a getaway" that voice sounded like the one you had heard the last time behind the door, actually, you knew that voice. "Of course you would obtain a great reward for this job" Were they actually asking Hit to kill someone? But it was against the rules, what the hell was happening? What was he doing? He was going to get himself in trouble.

Playing with fire (Jiren X Reader X Hit) DBS/DBZWhere stories live. Discover now