Chapter 23 ~Perfect~

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First of all, this song was requested by BarbyRawr, I also would like to thank scripsilverarilady to for helping me correct some important aspects in the story and for helping me improve my writing. Enjoy!! Hugs and kisses!! 

"Now I know I have met an angel in person and she looks perfect. I don't deserve this, you look perfect tonight"


You appeared in a room, it looked exactly as yours but more messy. On the bed there was a big suit case with big bags around, this was his room. Goku took your suit case and placed it on the floor, then he pushed away all the stuff he had on his bed and he pushed you just a bit to make you take some steps back and then sit on his bed. After that he kneeled in front of you to be at your height. You were sad, really sad, it did hurt to see Hit like this. What the hell was he involved in? Then you felt a hand on your cheek, with his thumb, Goku cleaned your tears.

"Cornelia, look at me" you did as he said, he looked worried "G-Goku why? How did you?"

"Why was I there? Well, I was going to ask you for some help with my bags hehe but when I entered in your room through the window I saw you struggling with Hit" Goku stopped for a moment, his expression changed to a more serious one, he looked almost angry, you had never seen him like that well you had but only when he was facing an enemy or in those kind of situations "Did he hurt you?" he looked so frightening "No Goku... he didn't" you cleaned your tears and then tried to smile "See? It's nothing. Now let me help you with..." you couldn't finish because Goku hugged you in such a gentle way, this just made you want to cry more. "I know you are lying and I know that probably you won't tell me what is happening but I am right here with you, as always" You bit your lip, as an attempt of containing more tears and sobs, he was truly you best friend. Goku stopped hugging you and then looked at you directly in the eyes, he looked so worried. Oh gosh! He was looking at you with his puppy eyes, you placed your hands on his cheeks and smiled genuinely "My best friend, thank you so much Goku"

*Yeah heh friend... right* the man thought a bit sad remembering the place he occupied in your life.

"Hahah look at me, I'm a mess" you said now more relaxed thanks to Goku, he always had that relaxing effect on you

"You look perfect" he said as he looked at you deeply with a little smile on his face, this comment made you blush so much. You quickly stood up and then turned around "I... uhm let me help you with your bags Goku, it's late! We should be on our way to the ship" Goku giggled a little, it was so funny to make you feel nervous, and he liked causing that. He looked at the clock "AHHH you are right it is late, we're leaving in five" You grabbed your suitcase and also two bags filled with food, Goku did the exact same thing, he grabbed his suitcase and two other bags with food you were going to open the door

"Yo! Cornelia haha where are you going?"

"I uhm was about to open the door? Y'know to leave the room?"

"Come here" he said with a wide smile, as he placed two fingers on his forehead. Oh, yeah... the benefits of being with Goku haha "We're short on time and this is faster" you smiled and approached to Goku until you were in front of him "Hahaha since when are you so shy Cornelia! Come closer!!" He surrounded you with his left arm making your body collide against his, you two were so close, this made you blush, he looked at you and then everything around you disappeared again

You appear in front of the ship, tons of people were entering in it. You two made it on time. "Hehehe! See we're here already!" he said giggling "Yeah Goku! You are right" you said smiling "Hmm I think we should get inside, y'know to get a good place" Goku looked at you "Yeah, sure just let me..." apparently the bags got a bit too tangled and he couldn't see how to untangle it because you were right in front of him, between his arms, still caught in his embrace, you felt his arms moving on your lower back trying to separate the bags "Hey, eh let me try to turn around" You had two bags too plus your suitcase, this was more tangled than your life. Carefully you tried to turn your body, you wriggled a little trying to turn, all the people who was around just continued walking, weren't they aware that you needed some help? Gosh! "Uhm Cornelia" you heard Goku saying a bit nervous "Don't worry Goku, I got this" you said in an optimistic way you had began to turn a little but Goku's embrace was to tight, it was really difficult "C-Cornelia!"

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