Chapter 48 ~Goodbye To A World~

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Heya guys!! so this is it, the end. I made this with tons of love and effort so please enjoy! I really hope you like it. Also, scroll till the very end, I have some news about the lemons and other stuff 😉 and listen to the video too, I love that song and it fits the chap. Hugs and Kisses!! 😘💖

~ Thank you, I'll say goodbye soon, though it's the end of the world, don't blame yourself... And if it's true, I will surround and give life to a world that's our own... Thank you, I'll say goodbye now, though it's the end of my world, it's not your fault... And si nce it's true, I won't forget you, you gave life to my world... Though it's gone...

Wait, don't leave! Maybe you can be free... It can't be true! Somehow I'll save you!!! I won't leave you here, there's nothing to fear... Don't let go! I'll light your way home!!~


"Wow haha your hair looks messy Cornelia

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"Wow haha your hair looks messy Cornelia..." Goku said as he looked at you as you walked out from the bathroom. You slept kinda well but you didn't know why you had this terrible feeling, it felt like if something was not right, you felt something weird, something... and like if that wasn't enough you had woken up late, it was late! Whiss had sent Goku to wake you up!!! GOKU!!! What the hell was wrong with you, Goku woke up before you!! there was a war that was going to happen in some hours and you were sleeping like a baby, you mumbled really low, you were complaining of everything as you accommodated your stuff, your room was a mess, and the bed!!! The bed was not done yet! Where were your socks?! at least you were dressed already.

 and like if that wasn't enough you had woken up late, it was late! Whiss had sent Goku to wake you up!!! GOKU!!! What the hell was wrong with you, Goku woke up before you!! there was a war that was going to happen in some hours and you were sleep...

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"Cornelia?" AHHHH! WHAT WAS HAPPENING TO YOU? you placed your hands on your head, everything was a mess!! Suddenly you felt two hands, one on each one of your shoulders. It was Goku, he was right in front of you, he pressed your shoulders so you would stop moving, he looked serious, you were in shock, he began to push you behind until you were in front of a chair, he pushed you down so you would sit and you didn't put resistance.

Then he kneeled down and placed his arms on your knees as he looked at you for some minutes, he looked like he wanted to say something but he couldn't then he stood up and began to walk somewhere else, he grabbed a hair comb and then went back to you but this time he was behind the chair in which you were sitting. Suddenly he began to brush your hair, his was... weird

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