Chapter 42 ~Hell To Your Doorstep~

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(Btw there are only 6 chaps left 💔 thank you for your support 😍😘)

~ I will carry hell to your doorstep; you will rue the day. You will reap the hate you've sown no matter how hard you pray. It's a place without any mercy, fashioned in cold blood, stones of fear and stones of doubt. No forgiveness, no way out, only justice, then, amen ~


"We are done..."

Your eyes recovered their color and the purple aura suddenly vanished in the air, you landed on your feet carefully, over the grass. Tomorrow... Tomorrow was the day in which you were going to finish with all this mess once and for all... You didn't feel too good emotionally, but at least you were no longer confused... at least you already knew what you were, where you came from, and even though it was not good at all, well it was the truth, you finally had answers. Considering that, your mind was in a way clear, all the problems were still in there but finally your stress level had decreased, you could leep yesterday.

In a part all of this was thanks to Whiss, that night you had ran to tell him everything that had happened, you were desperate. He received you and listened to you calmly. You told him everything, every single thing that happened, everything that Mojito told you, all of it... He analyzed all the information you had provided him and this gave him a better understanding of this situation, and of Mojito. Whiss was really hurt too even if he didn't said it out loud, he never thought his brother would take his ideals so far... My brother had always had a mind of a genius and a strong sense of justice. He talked to me several times about his problems, how concerned and how incompetent he felt by the fact of watching his god of destruction acting in such a careless way with his Universe "Look around you brother, and all you see are people the world would be better without" he said that to me one day in which I visited his universe. I did understand what he meant, I always tried to help him but eventually his obsession got worse, father said that it was nothing to worry about, that he would get over it, but he didn't, it got even worse I tried to talk to him but I'm afraid it was too late "What is wrong isn't me brother... what is wrong is this world" I failed him and I lost him. Now I have to stop him he said Whiss understood your pain, he could understand what you had been through and how you felt.

Not only he understood what Mojito was doing but he also could understand what you were, basically and in less words. You were half an Angel and half God of Destruction, what Mojito meant by saying you were "perfect" was that you were probably the only one who was actually able to stabilize both cells, to contain them in your body in perfect equilibrium and to use them for your benefit. Your body had always used this energy unconsciously, the most evident example was your healing speed, every time your body was hurt it would use this "divine energy" to accelerate the recovery of any kind of wound. Now you had access to it, not only you could create hakais, you could also access to the abilities of an angel, for fighting, for avoiding, etc.

There was only something you had to take care of, your body itself... you had to maintain it in good conditions, as Mojito said, your mind and your body had to be in peace otherwise it would not be able to handle the power inside of you, as a consequence it would eventually perish and you would die. You felt relieved of the fact that everything was clarified, at least now you knew what was happening, and at least now you had control of yourself.

"Cornelia?..." Whiss repeated, you snapped out of your thoughts "Ah... sorry I was thinking, thank you for training me Whiss... hopefully this will be enough" you said with a little smile, Whiss looked back at you and then he said "It's okay, I don't blame you... I have been thinking a lot too. Honestly I just want this to end sweetie. I have never felt so stressed in my entire life, not even Lord Beerus" you giggled a bit, you understood what he meant and then your expression turned in to a more serious one "Well, hopefully tomorrow we will end with this" both of you began to walk towards Capsule Corp "Oh! I almost forgot!!" Whiss exclaimed "What is it Whiss?" he looked at you concerned "We have to let everyone know what is going to happen so they can begin to get ready"

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