Chapter 41 ~Confrontation~

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~ Do you really think that I would ever let you go? Do you think I'd ever set you free? If you do I'm sad to say, it simply isn't so. You will never get away from me!~


You just couldn't sleep, you had been twisting on your bed for hours, all these situations were driving you crazy. All this stuff about your past, Mojito, the beast, your powers, your friends... Who were your friends? Goku?... Dyspo... they liked you? Oh no... and your feelings... you were so confused Hit... Jiren... "My god..." you whispered, your head did hurt, was it a headache? It felt like when you head that siren. This night was even worse than the prior ones, the prior ones at least you were able to sleep some hours but now, right now every time you closed your eyes memories began to creep, everything that had been happening, every single situation, all those bad thoughts were intoxicating your mind, your mind was a mess, everything was a mess, you were a mess... You didn't even know if you were a good or a bad person anymore... "Ugh... my head..." you sat on your bed, why did your head hurt this bad anyway? The pain was so intense...

Suddenly something stopped your thoughts, something... a feeling, the feeling of not being alone, the feeling you had felt several weeks ago, you felt it again... it was not something good... It felt bad, wrong, and the worst thing is that it was here, in your room, you could feel it, and then you identified that power... you sat on the edge of your bed, your legs fell freely and your feet barely touched the floor.

"Good evening Cornelia..." That voice... no... it couldn't be, you turned around quickly, you were breathing heavily. There was no one in your room but you. You placed your hand on your head. Great... it wasn't enough with the headache, now you did have hallucinations, his voice sounded so real, it did send shivers down your spine, Mojito... you shook your head and stood up, then you began to walk to the dresser in your room to grab some pills for the headache, there you had a small glass with water too. You approached slowly, once you were there you began to open the little bottle of Aspirin, right when you were about to put a pill in your mouth you noticed something... your eyes, they were red... now this was unusual. This only happened when you used your other powers. You looked closer, there was nothing wrong with them, if you ignored the color of course "Those pills will not help you little one..." your eyes opened wide and then you could see him, in the mirror, which meant he was behind you, he was next to the window. The window in your room was really big, a lot of moon light entered through it, thanks to it you could recognize the elegant figure standing at some feet away from you "You..." your eyes shined in the dark, bright red, you looked at him in a furtive way, rage began to fill you. He... he was the one that had caused all this mess, he was the one that turned you in to this, and he was right here, behind you. You were about to turn around, purple aura began to emerge from you, you were ready to attack but as soon as you turned your head began to hurt again, it was even more painful than before "Agh!.." you fell on your knees "Ngh!... W-what did y-you?" you couldn't stand the pain, you felt like if your brain was inflamed, like if your skull were about to break "Please..." what did you just hear? You couldn't believe it, he said please? You looked up at him confused, he had kneeled to be at your size, he looked worried. In his left hand he had his staff and his right one was closed. Then he slowly extended his closed hand towards you then he opened it, there was a small circular purple pill on his hand. You didn't understand "Take this, it will make you feel better" Who did he think he was? What did he think he was doing? Why was he even here?! He was, no! is your enemy! So what the hell! "I... I'm n-not taking anything that comes from you" you managed to say, he just looked at you and then said again in his elegant voice "Cornelia..." then you couldn't handle anymore the pain in your head, it was just so much, you were on four trying to get air desperately, everything was so... blurry, you felt dizzy and then you felt unconscious.

Playing with fire (Jiren X Reader X Hit) DBS/DBZWhere stories live. Discover now