Chapter 43 ~Control~

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~ No you will not faze me so come at me with all your will. My spirit's stronger burning brighter with the ones you've killed... I'm known as vengeance, retribution, and I'll drag you to underhell... a kid like you should not exist I know you won't be missed... ~



"Ahh... it's you" he said with a wide smile on his face "This time you will be alone hm? Nice decision" his red eyes focused on the gray alien that was floating in front of him, after some minutes "Hehehe but look at you, you are a grown man now... time sure goes fast doesn't it?... the last time I saw you, you were just a teenager. Honestly I thought that would be that last time I'd see you but you keep surprising me. You are here... alive and once again, in my way..." Jiren clenched his fists, he was at several feet away from it, both of them were floating on space, several feet away from each other, Jiren was not expecting this... to actually be in front of a person, he usually only remembered a purple aura and red eyes

"This time it will be different..." Jiren said, he released his ki it was immense and frightening just like that time in the tournament, even the evil doer was astonished... this was going to be a problem "you won't get past me..." it was going to be difficult to defeat this man... at least with ordinary attacks

"I've murderer so many people and monsters throughout my entire life..." The evil doer smiled in a terrible way and he began to release his power Crack crack a disgusting sound... his bones were breaking and then healing, his body could never adapt completely to the huge quantity of power inside of him, his body had always been so unstable as his control over it. It was imperfect after all. Slowly a purple aura began to cover him, he became a dark shadow, a silhouette... Jiren could only see his red eyes shining in the dark, and that white smile, the smile of the devil. The beast began to extend its hands and in them two hakais began to form, he looked frightening, like a beast, a monster that would only show up in anyone's worst nightmares and that smile... that twisted smile "so I have a good idea..." then he put them together. If that thing touched Jiren he would disappear... he could sense it... that was the energy of a god of destruction "of what it takes to break them"


"AHHHH!" you woke up frightened, trying to catch your breath. What was that? It was a bad feeling a sensation, like those dreams in which you're running and you fall but wake up in the real life. You placed your hand on your forehead "Uff it was just a dream" even if it sounded super weird, you were able to sleep like a baby mostly because Whiss had made you do it. He said you needed to let your body rest so it would be ready for today. Now you were getting ready, you were wearing black baggy pants and a top, also black snickers, you looked a bit like Caulifla but just because of the clothing style. You were not used to use these kind of clothes, you usually wore big shirts and shorts with your converse cause you like to be comfy, so it was weird to use clothes like these that denoted a bit too much your body's shape but welp you needed to be faster, and with heavy clothes that was not going to work. These were sports clothes and god you had to admit that they were comfy too, and light... You went to brush your hair and then looked at yourself in the mirror "Ready..." you were... nervous, afraid, and anxious... but your mind was clear, you had complete control over yourself, you had to.

You clenched your fists as you remembered, all those deaths... How many lives did that thing ruin? how many lives and worlds did he destroy?... God you were so freaking sick of him, of this, of all this situation. You had to stop him, you had to stop this genocide, you had to protect your home, your friends. You would fight for them, today you would give it your all, you would sacrifice everything that you had, in this fight he was going to pay for the lives lost all those that he had slain, this would be the day in which he was finally going to know the true meaning of pain by your very own hand.

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