Chapter 22 ~Let Her Go~

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The idea of Hit asking Goku for some advice on how to make Cornelia happy was from Kosmic5 Thank you all for your advices and ideas, but mostly for your support!! Hugs and kisses!! :3

"Staring at the bottom of your glass, hoping one day you'll make a dream last, but dreams come slow and they go so fast. You see her when you close your eyes, maybe one day you'll understand why, everything you touch surely dies"



"Yo! Hit" Goku said as he approached to Hit, who was in the bar drinking actually, Goku had noticed he had been there for quite a while, Hit looked at him "Son..." Goku sat beside him "Hey sir!! Can you give me some hmm" he placed his hand on his chin and rubbed it as he thought "what did Cornelia say it was? It had a weird name... Oh yeah!! Piña Colada, could you give me some please?" the barman nodded with a huge smile and went to prepare one, then Goku looked at Hit quietly and closely, analyzing him "Hey Hit have you seen Cornelia? She said she was going to take a bath, she accompanied me to buy some stuff for when we come back to school hehe. I've been looking for her but I don't really know where she could be. I wonder what is taking her so long"

"We discussed" Hit wouldn't have ever shared any thought with anyone, share his feelings or thoughts was not something an assassin would do but he had so many problems in in his mind, he just couldn't handle this situation anymore. "Discussed? Cornelia actually discussed with anyone? That's new." Goku said surprised, the barman brought his piña colada without alcohol "Thank you man!" Goku said excited and took a sip, tasting this beverage that was new for him.

"Y'know actually I can't imagine her angry? Yo! Man! Could you bring me some French fries too?" the barman nodded again and went to get Goku's order. Hit just looked at the bottom of his glass "I don't think it will last long y'know she can't be angry for too long, I know her as the palm of my hand" Goku said happily trying to calm Hit as he took a sip from his beverage "AHHH this is great, she was right!" Hit turned towards Goku and did something he never thought he would do in his life, ask for and advice. It couldn't be a bad idea, after all they grew together, he knew her "Son Goku..." Goku looked at him as the barman placed the fries in front of him.

"Hmm? What?" Goku said looking at Hit, with an expression filled with curiosity

"Nevermind" He couldn't believe he was doing this, maybe it was because he was drunk, then he looked at Goku who had several fries in his mouth, too many.

"AHHH!! Wait I know" then he was showing a teasing face "You want to make her feel better hehe let's see hmmmm" he said as he began to think "Cornelia angry..." Goku thought as he took another sip from his beverage, as he did that Hit looked at him wondering why he thought in the beginning it was a good idea to ask Goku for an advice, a romantic advice... "Have you tried apologizing? Hehe" Hit facepalmed himself mentally, honestly, what was he expecting. Goku could be the strongest mortal fighter of the entire universe but he was an idiot in this kind of stuff. Goku then looked somewhere else "Ahhh! Cornelia?... uhh" Hit looked immediately in the direction in which Goku was looking, you were there talking to Bulma, probably saying goodbye, you looked just as gorgeous as always, he could stare at you for hours and he would never get bored of it. "Now I remember... Yo! Hit! I gotta go, I wanna ask Bulma for some bags for the food I'm gonna take to the school" Goku said as he began to leave smiling widely, Hit just stayed there, thinking... He needed to think well what he was going to do, he would probably be there until they had to leave or until he could find a way to talk to you. He never thought he would find himself in this situation, this was wrong. What was he even doing here? he wasn't like that. Damn he was the legendary assassin of Universe 6 and he was acting like a teenager, this was such an inappropiate behavior, he didn't recognize himself anymore. 

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