Chapter 3 ~Lady Marmalade~

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~But when he turns off to sleep, memories creep~


You were all walking through the corridor, an uncomfortable silence filled the long hall. You checked the keys, it had a little note 7th floor / C ... "Hmm our room is in the 7th floor" then you heard the sound of an elevator, you checked out forward and Jiren was in front of the elevator his arm blocking the door so it wouldn't close, oh well that was fast, you walked in to it "Thank you" you said as kindly as you could, Jiren's eyes fixed on the wall. *Okay that could have been totally worse* you thought as you entered and Hit followed you, once you were inside Jiren joined you and pressed the button.

Silence... you could swear that this had been the longest time you've ever spent in an elevator and in a situation of this kind

The doors opened, you felt something rubbing against your waist. You turned and saw Jiren's arm holding again the elevator door, none of them moved, they were waiting for you to go out, so you did, you stepped in to the hall and checked the doors and found the one with the letter C in it, you opened it with the keys and let your roommates in, they were so freaking tall gosh you were afraid they wouldn't fit through the door. Hmm actually you had never imagined yourself letting in a man into your room, less two at least not unless you were in a relationship or something. Once they were in you closed it, locked it and went to check out how the dorm was and well... It was huge! and there was a kitchen? Woah you didn't know how to cook but you could surely find an use for it or at least try, a balcony with a beautiful view, it had a hall too a big coach and a TV! there was also a corridor that lead to a room, there where three beds *Phew*There was also a big closet that was amazing! And there was another door! What could be there? A bathroom! One bathroom with one tub! Well damn! Okay you'd figure out that later, you turned to your roommates and they had already chosen beds Hit the one in the left, Jiren the one in the right and well it looked like you got the one in the middle.

*Hmm okay...* Your suit case was over the bed so you began to unpack your stuff and then you heard Daishinkan, through some kinda speaker on the wall.

"Hello, this message is only to announce that today there will be no activities. Please use the rest of the day to get familiarized with your surroundings tomorrow we will provide you your schedules since there have been some changes, organize with your roommates about important topics like bathroom use, the use of spaces and whatever else you consider important. Please be ready tomorrow at 9:00am, have a good night"

You continued unpacking your stuff and there were less clothes than you remembered you were lucky since you had more clothes your friends only had what they were wearing you hoped Bulma would send you all some soon more clothes, you put your stuff well organized in to the big closet, and hid your underwear under the rest of your clothes hopefully no one would see it. It didn't took you long since well... yeah you didn't bring too many clothes.

Once you finished you sat on your bed, and looked at your roommates they were both still unpacking for the moment there had been no confrontations or fights they were just ignoring each other, you remembered when you saw them fight, the tension and the hate was so dense that you could cut it with a knife. The assassin and the uhm guy who really likes justice actually now you thought about it you didn't know too much about Jiren the guy is a mystery. Suddenly you realized you didn't eat anything before coming here, you were hungry. You went to the kitchen and checked out the fridge and it was full of food, you were excited. You found a cake too and well you just couldn't resist that, you took it, it was a chocolate cake and it looked so perfect, tempting, delicious...

You just had to eat some right now, then you saw Hit coming from the corridor, *What if?...*you thought that maybe this could be a good way to break the ice, maybe, just a bit... okay maybe it was a dumb way to start but you had to try, you couldn't find a better excuse to talk to them.

Playing with fire (Jiren X Reader X Hit) DBS/DBZWhere stories live. Discover now