Chapter 13 ~Fuck you~

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~Look inside, Look inside your tiny mind then look a bit harder~


All of you arrived after two hours to the school, it was like 2:00 am, and you were tired, actually Dyspo fell asleep on the table, and you did too, Hit said that he would take care of you, so sweet. So you just decided to sleep. Once you arrived everyone went directly to their own rooms, everyone looked like zombies, everyone wanted to sleep, it was evident. You were walking towards the entrance with Dyspo and Hit but a female voice stopped you.

"Hey you! I want to talk to you" You turned and then saw Cocotte, she was talking to you "I'll wait for you in the room Cornelia" Hit said as he left "Oh uhm I'll leave too Cornelia. It was a pleasure to have you as my couple tonight" Dyspo said as he kissed your hand and began to leave. You turned towards the woman "Hi, Cocotte right?" you managed to say with the last energy you had left, your eyes were closing, and your body needed a rest, you needed to rest... Cocotte was now in front of you, she looked angry.

"I want to give you a warning little silly girl" She said pointing at you with her finger "Jiren is mine, MINE, and I will not let a stupid new girl to take him away from me"

"Hmm... Really? Well uhm are you his girlfriend or something?" You answered slowly, still processing her words, you looked around and the place was empty already. "No!, not yet! But if you know what is convenient for you, you'll do as I say" she said smiling with superiority and then she laughed "Ohohoho!! Do you really think someone like him would ever be interested in a brat like you?"

You were tired, to be honest you weren't even paying attention to what she was saying yet you were almost sure it was just a drama, nothing important... so you decided to leave. It didn't look as something important, she was just jealous, right? You yawned "Oh okay that's interesting, look eh I have like some stuff I have to do and I'm tired too so uhm good luck, See ya" you said as you left, with your arms in the back of your head, "H-Hey! Where are you going?" you ignored her and continued walking "You stupid brat"

Something stopped you, a blast in your back, your eyes went blank, that was unexpected... you fell on your hands and knees.

"Listen to me when I talk to you bitch" you heard Cocotte's voice from behind as she approached "You will do as I say"

That hit a nerve, you did not give her any reason to do this, it hurt a lot and yet that was not the main reason of your anger besides her awful behavior around you.


Strike from behind?

How coward...

She was really asking her to beat her ass, but well. The rules. You weren't dumb, you weren't going to risk your Universe for something as stupid as this, and you weren't going to allow her to do it either. "LOOK AT ME WHEN I TALK TO YOU!! Hehe I might just finish you now!" Cocotte yelled, she was behind you, she was about to kick you... but something stopped her. Smoke comes out of the wound in our back, the wound was suturing by itself, you were healing. "What...?" Cocotte said surprised as she looked at the scene, that was her strongest attack... "Enough!" she said angry, her leg began to move again to hit you, but it did never touch you "WHAT?" Suddenly you disappeared, Cocotte looked around to look for you, how could you move after that attack? Suddenly you appeared behind her, before she could react she felt your arm holding tight her neck, with unnatural strength, Cocotte could barely breath.

"Alright, we'll do this your way" Cocotte struggled against you, trying to free herself, but the difference of power was obvious "Just let me understand something... Were you seriously trying to kill me for a boy?" That was dumb, and probably the most stupid reason for which someone ever had tried to kill you. You gasped, Cocotte had already stopped moving, probably for the lack of air. You didn't want to do this but you had to stop her and at the same time make sure she was listening "Hmm well, look I don't want problems, right now I just want to sleep but I don't want you to become a danger for yourself and for your friends... not because I care about you. Think about it this way, your universe has its hopes placed on your friends and in you, you carry a huge responsibility on your shoulders, you must protect them not put them in risk. Now, look inside your tiny mind, then look a bit harder. Think about what you were about to do and the consequences of it. If you kill me you'll be in trouble, just as your team, and just as your universe. Do you really think it's worth it?" you loosened your grip on her neck a bit and she took a deep breath "So what do you say? "

Playing with fire (Jiren X Reader X Hit) DBS/DBZWhere stories live. Discover now