Chapter 39 ~Friends~

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~ You say you love me, I say you crazy, we're nothing more than friends. You're not my lover, more like a brother, I know you since we were like ten, yeah... Don't mess it up, talking that shit, only gonna push me away, that's it... When you say you love me, that make me crazy... Here we go again~


So many things collided in that moment, the wrong people met at the wrong place at the wrong time.

"Wow Goku... It seems like you have perfectioned your blue saiyan even more, I'm impressed" you said, both of you were floating at several feet of distance from the floor, there were also several feet separating you. You couldn't really sleep after what had happened with Jiren and Hit so you decided to wait outside for Goku, he had been training with you all this week, it was like bringing back the old times... when both of you were so young, without any worries, when the most important thing to do was finish your meals to get enough energy and to train with master Roshi "I'm so proud of you Goku! You really had grown in to an extremely talented and strong warrior" You said, your expression was filled with pride. Both of you had been training the entire day, it was so exciting, the stars covered the sky by now and the moon was visible, you didn't know what time was it, but it was late, really late.

"Hehe Likewise!" Both of you were a mess by now, your clothes were ripped, and both of you were tired, no wonder why though

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"Hehe Likewise!" Both of you were a mess by now, your clothes were ripped, and both of you were tired, no wonder why though... you two had been training since the morning, after this both of you would literally fall asleep as soon as you touched the bed yet, you had to admit, that this was just so much fun, every single time you were with Goku you felt better, he always had his good attitude, and his super big smile, it was like if nothing bothered him, like if he had no problems at all, sometimes you envied him, no problems, no concerns, no regrets. Suddenly both of you attacked each other again, before there was a difference in your powers, but now... thanks to Whiss training, well things had balanced a bit more, or a bit too much. You were even now, now you were as strong as the strongest mortal from Universe 7, you were proud of yourself for finally reaching him but you really didn't like that much the source of that power. Suddenly you disappeared in the air and Goku looked around confused looking for your ki, this did always work you thought as you smiled for yourself and you quickly moved and positioned behind him, ready to attack his back and put an end to this training, your body was in real need of some rest now, but this man... uff he had so much stamina, his energy had no end, right when you were about to tell him that you two should go to your rooms to rest he attacked you and began another fight, he was just having fun, he had always been like that, if you didn't stop him, he could continue forever.

This punch, precise and firm, it should be a good way to finish the battle, and to stop him and win this round. Right when you were about to touch him he turned stopped your hand by grabbing your small wrist with one hand and you just froze, he was getting so much better god... then he looked at you with a serious face "That trick won't work on me again" he said and then he looked at you with his blue eyes "You should have known that!" he said with his casual normal voice.

Playing with fire (Jiren X Reader X Hit) DBS/DBZWhere stories live. Discover now