Chapter 30 ~Diver~

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~ The faded horizon's drifting further away, as the people all around decay with suffocation, continuing to shape the world they clench to all their guns, and surrounded by the hate, I find there's nowhere to run ~



Quitela cleaned the blood from his hand, the man had been through a terrible torture provided by the god of destruction himself. He had been inside of a hakai for a lot of time as he made his best effort to not disintegrate, to not die, at least until the god got bored of it, the rest of the time he had been standing being used as a punching bag for an entire day.

"Kee Kee Kee... I'm impressed. You are such a tough guy! You were actually able to last through it all, I don't even know what to do anymore! I guess he was right, it was such a good therapy. I had been really stressed y'know? I needed a distraction from all this mess, from all these disappointments... I thought you were a professional y'know? I even wanted you to join to my noble cause... I had a lot of patience, I knew you needed time to finish your task, to lure the girl to you but" then the god of destruction turned towards the man he had tied to the chair by heavy chains, the rat had a big smile on his face "Plot twist!! The wolf fell in love with the sheep KEE KEE KEE How funny!! Such a cliché!!" the rat said as he did burst in laughter "Uff anyway..." then he looked through the window of his temple "Ohh look at that... Today is the big day! Tonight we are gonna have some fun!! Tonight things are finally gonna start working the way they should... hmm y'know by now she should be on her way, the Trio Danger and Hop probably had fun with her already, all because of you, it was aaaaall your fault" The assassin was in silence, looking down, just listening "Maybe you two could share the cell, wouldn't that be romantic? OH! I got a better idea, what if keep her for myself? She could become my queen..." the assassin clenched his fists, containing himself from murdering the fucking rat "Kee Kee Kee I hadn't thought about my progenies yet but she is a good start, anyway I'll think about it later, right now I have some stuff I have to take charge of. Someone will get you to your cell later it's not like if you could escape anyway KEE KEE KEE" the rat said as he left the place laughing hard.

The assassin was left there alone, well at least anyone would have thought that but not him... His instincts had always been the greatest, no wonder why he was the best assassin in his universe.

"I know you are there" The mysterious person got out from the shadows "Such good instincts" slowly he approached to the chair in which Hit was sat, in the middle of the stance. The silent man stopped, before stepping on the blood puddle that was on the floor "Hmm..." then he smiled "Isn't it amazing what love can do?" The man said as he began to walk around the chair slowly "you were capable of offering yourself as living bait only to buy me time to save her"

"How is she?"

"In perfect conditions, alive... Now you can leave" the man said as he stopped right in front of the assassin "he won't find out your absence he is barely aware of what happens in front of his face... Let me" the man said, his intention was to free the assassin from the heavy chains that kept him immobile but in les than a second they were broken, he broke them and they fell freely to the floor causing several cracks in it and a really loud noise "Hmm... very impressive. You still have strength"

"Where is she" the assassin's deep voice was heard in the place as he stood up, he could have escaped a long time ago... but he didn't.

"In her room, safe" then the figure looked at the chains that were now on the floor, those chains weren't for an individual, they were for an elephant or something bigger, they were extremely heavy and strong, how did he? "Anyway thank you for your sacrifice, it was useful... If you want I can heal..." he looked around and the assassin was gone "Hmm if it wasn't for your warning assassin... my plans would have messed up. Heh... Enjoy her company while you still can"

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