Chapter 21 ~Despacito~

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Heya! this chapter's song was purposed by TeamJNPR22, and super huge thanks to chiichobits18 for giving me the idea of the underwear plot. I am working on all your requests, I assure you that I'm going to use them in the following chapters, all your ideas were awesome guys!! Thank you so much, thanks to all of you now I have a good idea of what to do. Whenever I add your idea I will tag you, Hugs and kisses. (Also! I took a quote from the movie Dr. Strange)


~Cuando tú me besas con esa destreza, veo que eres malicia con delicadeza~


You were in your room now, you had already taken your bath. After talking to Goku for a while and going to eat with him you came back to your room, right now you were only wearing your underwear, one of the benefits of having your own room, you still had to look for Hit, actually you had been looking for Hit the whole day and you didn't find him anywhere, where was he?.

You needed some time for yourself and you needed to think about things seriously.

This was the moment...

Okay... so


Let's review... So basically now three different men liked you... This really looks as something that would only happen in one of those romance movies or fanfics you liked to read. You had never imagined yourself in a situation like this... The thing is that you were too confused...

You sit at the edge of your bed and begin to think. At the beginning you were only interested in Hit, you really admired him. So strong... He had always attracted you... such an interesting man, you were amazed when you began to treat him more, you actually knew a new side of him he wasn't just a cold assassin, there was more in him, so much more. Since you met him, he had become a special person for you. Leaving aside the fact that he was so great, awesome and interesting, you had slowly grown fond with him and as time went by you had been getting used to each of his details, to your talks, to the time both of you spent together. Sometimes you would find yourself looking forward for the next training to see him or to simply spend time together, visit his universe and have fun with him as you discovered new planets and places or showing him your own universe and having a good time. When you two were together, you always were entertained and happy, and hours would always go by like water between your fingers.

He was so special

He gave you your first kiss...

That moment was beautiful, no words were needed, so special and unique, he said he loved you...

And then he didn't talk to you again, he disappeared, for a moth both of you were apart and not because you wanted... Eventually you began to think that maybe he didn't want you that maybe it was just a caprice, or that he just maybe didn't want to be in a relation with you. You were sad for a while but you didn't want to push him because he also looked busy with his job, you had to respect that... and in the meantime, Jiren and you... became friends... or that is what you thought.

You placed your fingers on your lips... Until today in the morning you thought that both of you were just friends, you remembered his words.

"I don't know what it is, but I can't stop thinking about you. Every single day, I can't stop thinking about you kindness, the way you speak to me, about your actions... I have been trying to contain myself for so long but you make it so hard... Your eyes, your body, your lips they incite me over and over again. You are driving me mad"

Playing with fire (Jiren X Reader X Hit) DBS/DBZWhere stories live. Discover now