Chapter 20 ~Carousel~

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Super small chap :P

~And it's all fun and games,'till somebody falls in love, but you've already bought a ticket and there's no turning back now~


The whole day had been uncomfortable, you had done several group activities that were too fun but you just weren't enjoying them. You couldn't stop thinking about what had happened in the morning, your mind was lost in those thoughts, what did you feel for Jiren? Did that even happened? You wondered sometimes. Yes, it did, Jiren's gaze confirmed it, he had been looking at you all the day, you just tried to ignore him and it kinda worked but your mind was other thing it was all messed up remembering the sensation of his muscular body, of his lips, of his warmth... *Nonono stop it!!*


"Uh, What?..." You snap out of your thoughts and you pay attention to Goku who was flying next to you, both of you went to buy some food to the market, Why? Because Goku mentioned that there was no food left in his fridge. Let's be honest, at this point it was pretty normal to find that Goku had finished with all the food... Goku asked you to accompany him so you could help him carry the several bags he would take, you accepted since you really needed to distract plus you had been looking for Hit and there was no signal of him, where the hell was he?


"Thank you for coming Cornelia, I couldn't have found better company hehe"

"Aw Goku, you know I'm always there for you" you smiled, Goku smiled back, both of you were returning to Capsule Corp, you had asked for permission to Whiss to leave the place and he said that while you two didn't leave the planet everything should be just fine. Both of you continued flying until something called you attention, there was a crowd down there, yelling excited, they were surrounding a stage, a fighting stage? Wait, was that Mr. Satan?

"Hey Goku, is that Mr. Satan?" Goku looked in the direction in which you were pointing

"Oh, yeah... What is he doing there? Let's go check it out" he proposed and you nodded, both of you approached curious "I think he's getting ready for a fight Goku, See?" you said as you landed and then left on the floor the several bags full of food you were carrying. "Ahhh! You are right!!" he mentioned, "Hey Goku! Let's cheer him!!" You suggested, he thought abut your suggestion for a bit and then he nodded excited "Let's go Mr. Satan!!!!!" he yelled "I'm rooting for ya!!!" you yelled too. The man turned in your direction and he looked surprised and relieved? "Heya!!" Goku and you said as you shook your hands, the man smiled and began to approach to you. "Oh! God!! Today's my lucky day! You two arrived in perfect timing" he said once he was in front of both of you "Oh well Cornelia and I were buying some stuff, we were flying back to Capsule Corp and we saw you here so we came to see what you were up to" Goku said smiling "Yeah! We see you are ready to fight Mr. Satan! So we came here to watch the fight" you mentioned excited.

"Oh well Thank you!, but changing the subject" he said smiling mischievously "What if any of you two takes my place in the fight? hehe"

"Hmmm" Goku and you thought about it looking at each other "What do you guys say? He looks quite strong right?" Mr. Satan pointed at the giant blue guy who he was about to fight, and well yeah he looked quite strong but... "Hey Goku..." you whispered in his ear "this situation looks oddly familiar, I don't think it's a good idea, what if someone finds you and goes tell Chichi you are here fighting and that you didn't even went to say hi" You had always been frightened of Chichi's attitude and temperament, she was really dangerous and you hated the way she treated Goku, God! He was like some kind of savior and she treated him like if he was some irresponsible idiot. Ugh, you didn't really like Goku's wife but meh, you didn't talk that much to her anyway, mostly cause she was a very jealous woman, she didn't like it that much when Goku went out with you or any other girl. Honestly, poor Goku "Ahh Cornelia, it will not take me too long! You know it'sbeen too long since the last time I fought, I can't reject this battle" he begged you and made puppy eyes, oh god no, you couldn't say no to that face "Okay, okay! Just try to finish fast okay?"

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