Chapter 47 ~Lágrima~

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Don't forget to vote guys!!! 💖 Btw, only one chapter left!!! Let's do this!

~ It whirls and repeats, the song that connects you to the sky. The gauge that barely stopped now goes off the scale. From my eyelids, meteors fall like raindrops, with a gripping sensation, a strong emotion awakened within me. A tiny possibility softly twinkles in the starry sky. The wish from that day shoots overhead. An endless melody; you're always the one who makes me tremble, the surging meteors strike my heart...~


It was all lost... you clenched your fists and your jaw tensed "What did you do?" You said completely angry as you turned towards him, he still had a grip on your waist so you wouldn't fall meanwhile both of you got to Earth "Oh my... Would you stop moving? You're going to fall" Whiss said looking a bit irritated "Whiss! I had to stop Mojito! Didn't you listen? He's going to use the Super Dragon Balls! I had to stop him right there! If we give him more time he will be able to use them to become even stronger not to mention he still has his army!!! We are going to be doomed!! Please!! Take me back there!!"

"No I won't Cornelia!!" he yelled frowning at you and looking really serious "Do you really think you stand a chance against his army and against him by yourself? I'm sorry Cornelia but that is insane and incongruent" he said, you just looked down as you bit your lip, he was right, but you felt so bad.

"Don't feel bad Cornelia... You did your best and thanks to you now we know what he wants to and how he plans to do it and not only that, we also have time to get ready. You helped a lot Cornelia... Now uhm... " he said as he looked at you with a sassy smile and you looked at him suspiciously

"What is it?..." you asked

"Oh nothing! It's just that you look adorable and pretty good in that attire" You looked at your clothes "Oh... these" Mojito had created these clothes for you, they were nice and cute but the single fact of that he had given them to you made you detest them. You looked at them with disgust "I... I will change them once we're home"

"Heh... Mojito made them for you right?" He asked with a smile "Yes..." you said as you tightened your grip on Whiss attire "He always had a good taste, even in clothing... He was always so good at everything. Who would have thought he would end up like this?" Whiss had a sad expression, you knew he let in a way guilty. You could understand the way he felt, after all you had lost a brother too, twice. You looked up at him "Whiss?..." he looked at you and then he snapped out of his thoughts "Oh, I'm fine sweetie... anyways, you really should rest once we get there. I can tell you haven't been able to rest"

"Pff! Of course not! I'm perfectly fine" Whiss looked at you incredulous "Who is fine sleeping 4 hours or less per day?" you blushed because of the embarrassment, you had forgotten he and Bulma had been watching 24/7... to be honest you kinda felt a bit tired, he knew it, you knew. Every night you investigated the place looking for hints or information, but you never found anything, plus it was difficult to escape from the guards and Mojito who barely slept "But I want to help with the plan!"

"We don't need you to make the plan, Bulma and I watched everything and we still have like 8 hours..."

"8 hours for what?" you asked curious

"Mojito lost his staff Cornelia, with it he was supposed to locate our father and the Omni – Kings who are in constant movement. He needs a staff, and I have the only one that is left. He will come to planet Earth to get it and to get you too..." he said serious "See?! I need to help you guys! I can help you with this!! Together we can..."

"You will rest... Otherwise I will not allow you to fight" Whiss ordered with a serious expression and you frowned, in a moment you were pouting "Okay Cornelia?!" he insisted and you mumbled some words in a really low voice "Hmm? I didn't hear you"

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