The Kiss

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Heya! so I saw that many of you were super excited about the last chapter's kiss (me too hehe) so I had some free time and I decided to make like a mini comic representing that scene in specific, I hope you like it :3 

Then you felt something hot touching your back, your skin, directly, you remembered that touch.

"Who did this to you?" you heard a deep and hoarse voice behind you.

It was him

It was his hand

His voice...

You forgot completely about it, Cocotte's attack, looks like it destroyed a part of your dress, now a part of the skin of your back was exposed, the wound though had already healed. You were in front of the closet and he was behind you, so close. You tried to turn but then you felt his left hand holding your waist firmly not allowing you to turn around and face him, his other hand slowly touched again the exposed area on your back like if he was analyzing the injury. "It was an accident" He did not move for a moment, suddenly you felt him leaning down to be at your size, you wondered what he wanted to do, you could feel his breath in your neck "Liar..." he whispered next to your ear, this made you blush and sent shivers down your spine then you felt his breath a bit further, this might be your chance to turn around "Jiren I..." you said as you turned

what you didn't expect is that Jiren's face would still be next to yours, you two were so close that when you turned your head your face met with his and inevitably your lips too

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what you didn't expect is that Jiren's face would still be next to yours, you two were so close that when you turned your head your face met with his and inevitably your lips too.

For a second your lips met...

Not even the man expected that, none of you moved for that second. Jiren well he didn't really want to move, your lips felt so soft and sweet. You open your eyes wide and blush a lot, quickly you give a small step back, a really small step back because behind you the was the closet and it didn't help that much since he was still so close. You quickly placed your hands on your mouth, you were so embarrassed. From somewhere you manage to get some strength and you look at Jiren, you regretted it immediately, his eyes were fixed on you, he didn't look angry, but he didn't look happy, ugh you hated how hard it was to read him.

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Playing with fire (Jiren X Reader X Hit) DBS/DBZWhere stories live. Discover now