Chapter 37 ~Youth~

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Heya!! Yo! guys!! for the ones that ship Cornelia with Jiren, have you ever wondered what will happen with those two after this whole mess? welp a friend of mine thought about it (@desastrophy), and she made a fic about it!! you should check it out!! (ALSO I recommend y'all to read it only if you are over 18 hehe ya know what I mean (I know that you always ignore my warnings but haha y'know it is my responsability)) :3 I absolutely love what you are doing girl! I feel so honored about that this fic had inspired you to write your very own story and to unleash your talent!! Thank you for creating this awesome fic for Cornelia and Jiren!! kisses!! and welp I leave you guys with the chapter, Enjoy!!


Shadows settle on the place, that you left, our minds are troubled by the emptiness, destroy the middle, it's a waste of time, from the perfect start to the finish line...

Fire surrounded him, as always... it was always like this, every single time he woke up he met with this scenario. He fell on his knees trying to recover some air, smoke came out from his body as his wounds healed. In less than 30 seconds the wounds were gone, his mind was a mess it had been such a long time since he had used his power. The gods school had been destroyed too, few had escaped, on purpose of course... Mojito needed someone to go scare the Great Priest, meanwhile his father would be trying to figure out everything, he would begin to search for the Super Dragon Balls. The creature then tried to stand up and after some seconds he succeeded, he didn't remember exactly how that had happened, that was something normal by now, day by day... he lost himself a little bit more, his mind was so numb, he wasn't himself anymore, the beast was taking over, in a short period of time he would be gone, he would become a monster, well no he was a monster already... He wouldn't have cared before but now...

The creature was mad, he continued walking as his purple aura began to disappear slowly leaving in there a man, a young man, or at least he only looked like that on the outside but he was old, too old. The purple aura was gone by now but his eyes didn't change, they used to be brown, they used to have a beautiful brown color but now they were red, red as the blood of all the lives he had taken. He continued walking through the flames.

And if you're still breathing, you're the lucky ones, cause most of us are heaving through corrupted lungs.

Why did you have to appear? Why couldn't you stay hidden, he had left you in that remote planet, in another universe so Mojito couldn't find you, so you would be able to live happily, to actually live a life, not to live being used... used as a tool, as a weapon, just like him. He remembered when you were born... Perfection that is what he said when he created you, every single time he looked at you, his creator, your creator, the angel Mojito... He finally had succeeded in making the perfect mixture, it had taken him a lot of unsuccessful experiments, mistakes, lives... he was the last of his experiments, successful finally... but yet imperfect. Mojito experimented on him, took out samples, cut parts of his body to analyze, meanwhile at the same time he used that siren, the siren. He used it to make you enter in trance, in a hypnosis state in which he would obey his orders if he didn't succeed at expelling his power punishment would come... it continued until he finally was able to reach his expectations... Then you came... His master piece... You followed all the orders, you didn't need to enter in hypnosis to have access to all your power, you were not a stupid beast following orders like him, you were able to make decisions, to think about alternate solutions to fulfill your orders successfully.

Since you had been a young girl, he began to train you even though you really didn't need to be trained, you learned by yourself. As time went by, he realized of Mojito's fascination for you, it increased day by day just as your destructive power, it was just immense even bigger than his own, and you, for a time, you had that same will that Mojito had. As you fought by his side but he couldn't blame you, you were just a kid, you didn't know what was right or what was wrong.

Playing with fire (Jiren X Reader X Hit) DBS/DBZWhere stories live. Discover now