Chapter 27 ~Rolling In The Deep~

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~Finally I can see you crystal clear, go 'head and sell me out and I'll lay your ship bare. See how I leave with every piece of you, don't underestimate the things that I will do~



"TOPPO! OPEN THE DOOR! OPEN IT!" Dyspo was knocking the door at a really fast speed and really hard if he continued like this not only he was going to wake the neighbors up, but he was going to break the door. "Dyspo! STOP!" Toppo said angry from the other side of the door, he was putting on his pajamas and as soon as he finished he went to open the door, he had an angry expression but it vanished in the moment in which he saw Dyspo, he was carrying you in his arms, you were unconscious, your clothes covered in blood "Little lady... Dyspo wha..." then he looked at Dyspo.

"There is no time! She has a big open wound in her abdomen! You still have your first aid kit?" Dyspo said desperate.

"Yes!" Toppo suddenly reacted "Come in... Go to the room and put her on my bed, I'll go for the kit" Toppo said as he let them in and closed the door, Dyspo quickly went to the room in which he found Goku, who was ready to go to sleep but he obviously noticed Dyspo's presence, he turned to greet him but as soon as he turned and looked at him his heart stopped "Cornelia" one of his worst nightmares had become true... Dyspo quickly approached to the closest bed which was Goku's one and placed you on it, Goku was in shock. Dyspo on the other hand stood there beside you and leaned down to take a closer look at you, you didn't look bad... actually you looked really well, he could even say you looks beautiful... wait... that didn't make any sense, you looked bad when he found you, what had happened in the meantime?

"Move" that was Toppo's voice, Dyspo took some steps back and Toppo took a seat next to you on the bed as he put the kit on the bed too, he exposed your abdomen by moving your blouse or what was left of it up a bit "Dyspo... where did you say the wound was?" Dyspo approached quickly "Over here, Toppo it is huge, how can you not see it?" then Dyspo was perplex "Wait... no, it was over here, I swear!" Dyspo said as he touched the left part of your abdomen "Where... where is it?"

"What happened to her?" Goku's voice could suddenly be heard, he looked extremely serious and his gaze was fixed on you, Toppo continued checking your body, looking for injuries "I don't know... I found her walking in the main hall, she was alone but she looked more injured and frightened, then she fainted and I brought her here, she didn't say anything... wait..." then he remembered that "Now I remember, something weird happened. Her eyes were red and from her a red aura was emanating... also when I was carrying her smoke was emerging from her body but I don't know what that mea..."

"Like this?" Toppo asked pointing in your back, there was a small injury, really small and from it smoke emerged, not too much, Toppo looked closer and saw something interesting... "It's like if her body was... look" Dyspo and Goku took a look, just as Toppo, the wound began to close slowly... in two minutes. It was gone. "Her body heals itself?"

"It has always been like that" Goku said "Her body always heals fast, only she can do that... since she was young"

"Son Goku... that is really weird... and the aura. Hmm, anyway, that doesn't really matter now, at least she's fine. Let's let her rest" in that moment Cabba got out from the bathroom the young boy was taking a shower "Mr. Dyspo? What are you doing he..." he looked at you perplex "Mr. Toppo what is happe" Toppo finally looked away from you "There is no injury to treat, she is in perfect conditions. Now, Cabba I need to talk to you and someone must stay here and watch her"

"I'll stay" Goku and Dyspo said at the same moment "Okay, come with me Cabba" Toppo said as they left the room with Cabba "Did she tell you anything?" Goku asked, Dyspo looked at him, he was lost in his thoughts and his gaze was fixed on yours "No" Dyspo answered worried as he looked at you again "So that's why you didn't come"

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