Chapter 9 ~The Night~

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"She sways in her velvet dress, and pulls me towards her in the dark"


"Will you talk to me now?" He said in a low and deep voice, leaning to be at your height. You two were alone, this time there was no way out.


"I don't want to talk to you right now" You didn't even look at him, you couldn't. If you did you would fall in his game, because that's what it was, right? maybe he didn't intend this, he was your friend, and you probably misunderstood everything, right now you were confused you didn't really know what you felt. You didn't want to look at him, because right now you felt again that weakness, the weakness you felt yesterday, the weakness you felt every time he got close to you, and you didn't want to show how weak you felt right now "Leave"

You were looking down to the floor, then you saw how Hit began to kneel to be at your height since you were still on your chair, he placed his hands on each side of your hips. Hit took a lock of your hair and placed it behind your ear, then he took you by the chin "Look at me" He whispered, you just couldn't resist, you look up and see a pair of dark, deep and mysterious red eyes that were examining you, a chill ran through your body.

"Cornelia..." He looked at you directly in the eyes "I want to apologize about yesterday, I shouldn't have acted like that I had a... rough day and I was too confused. I know you are angry. I know you and I know that you won't tell me the reason too. But I need someone to hear what I have to say, and you are the first person I thought about"

"What?" A whisper left your lips,

"Can I tell you a secret?"

"Hit, I don't think this is the best moment"

"I'm in love"

"In... love?" You didn't know how to react to that so the thing was serious with that girl, you wondered, when did that happen? You weren't surprised though, she was so pretty and beautiful...

"Yes..." He smiled, in his own way. "I had never felt something like this, in my long existence...I had never found someone like her, someone who could make me feel something like this, love. Her kindness, her bravery, her strength, her eyes, her... she made me fall like a teenager. I didn't notice exactly when happened, more feelings began to arose inside of me, eventually they became a thing, but I didn't notice until I lost her... then she gave me a second chance, and I found myself looking at her with so much admiration, with so much love. This love would eventually become something I could not control, this little girl was driving me crazy, so I thought the best choice was taking some distance and analyze the whole situation. I tried to stay away, I tried not to think about her, It didn't work. She doesn't know how much I love her and for how long I've admired her, how beautiful she is to me. And now I just don't find the best way to confess her my feelings"

"Maybe you should just approach to her and tell her how you feel, or even better" you stood up slowly and he did too a bit confused "Maybe she has already approached to you and proved that she's attracted to you" You saw them yesterday, you saw him there with her. Your bodies were too close, you could feel his breath, his beautiful red eyed fixed on yours.

"Sounds like you know her" He whispered

"Hmm? I think you are wrong" You answered, you were getting angry, he had been teasing you all these two weeks, and now he was talking in front of you about this girl?

"You want a clue?" He smiled teasing you

"I don't want any-" You couldn't finish your phrase

His lips settled on yours docilely, and he moved them over yours the contact was slow, soft, tender.

Playing with fire (Jiren X Reader X Hit) DBS/DBZWhere stories live. Discover now