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"I walked into our room, he was sobbing. He threw up whatever he ate yesterday, he's been so.. so.. depressed lately" Daniel explained as he used 'depressed' as a bad word.

"I'm sure he just has a lot on his mind or is under a lot of pressure, Dani" Jonah said putting his hands on Daniels shoulders. "What do you guys think about it?" He said motioning his attention towards Corbyn and Zach.

"I say the same as Jonah" Corbyn said not taking his attention off of his phone. Zach nodded his head in agreement and continued to fiddle with his thumbs.

"So we're not going to do anything about this?" The blue eyed brunette said placing his skinny arms on his hips. All three of the other boys shook their heads and slouched in their seats.

"He's fine" zach said once again, but deep down Daniel knew zach wanted to help. Daniel cocked his eyebrow up and just frowned at the boys. "We need to be there for him. I mean seriously, he could be dead for all we know" Daniel said.

"That's a bit dramatic, don't ya think?" Jonah said standing up. "We all have our own problems at the moment and being on tour really puts pressure on our shoulders." Jonah said nodding his head while he spoke.

Daniel threw his hands up in frustration and plopped down into the hotel couch in Jonah and Corbyn's room. Daniel jumped at a sudden small knock on the door.

Daniel looked at the three other boys, realizing he was going to end up giving in and open the door for the stranger.

Daniel saw Jack through the peep hole and quickly opened the door, welcoming the curly head boy into the hotel room.

Daniel looked at the boys physical appearance and frowned at the way he carried himself. All he wanted to wear was sweatpants and a hoodie, nothing fancier, nothing worse.

Jacks face was drained of color and it seemed that he didn't have a lot of energy left in his body.

"Hey, are you okay?" Daniel asked Jack as he poured himself a glass of water. "I'm fine" jack said smiling. Fake. That isn't jacks real smile. Daniel thought silently to himself

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