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"They say every life is precious
But nobody cares about mine"


"Jack, you can't be seen kissing boys, especially your band mate, around town" David yelled at the curly haired boy.

"W- why? I like boys. I'm gay, David!" Jack said throwing his hands in the air.

"It's not good for this hands reputation. Just because you're going through some phase-"

"A phase?"

"Yes, Jack. A phase, you can't grow up dating girls and then all of the sudden like boys. That's not how it works. You're eighteen, you don't even know what you are yet." David said throwing the pictures of him and Zach in hot topic down on his desk.

"Why can't I just be with who I want to be with?" Jack said letting the tears run down his face.

"Because, we have this band to think about. The boys won't appreciate yours and Zach's sneaking around ruining the band for them." David said.

"I can't- I won't change who I am for the fans. I bet the fans would support it, the boys support me. The boys will support Zach and I-"

"The fans support Christina and Corbyn. That's a relationship everyone loves. We can just get you a fake a girlfriend if you really do refuse to act straight to keep this band together, Jack Avery. I made your career, I can end it." David said slamming his fists on the desk.

"Meeting dismissed. Call the other boys in here" David said waving his hand towards Jack.

Jack slowly got up, feeling so upset. He slowly walked out of David's office, wiping his tears away. He didn't want the boys to know what was happening.

"You guys can go in now" jack said and began to walk towards the front door. "I'm going to go home, I really don't feel good." He said and said his goodbyes to the boys.

Jack felt a tug on his sleeve and turned around to see Zach.

"Jack, what did he say to you, in there?" Zach asked sadly, knowing deep down that whatever it was wasn't a good thing.

"That this relationship, whatever this is, Zach. It can't and will never happen as long as Why Don't We is a band. I'm sorry, Zach, I should've known better than to come out gay to you and the boys." Jack said and yanked his arm from Zach's grip. "I'm sorry" Jack sadly whispered and walked out of David's house.

Zach was taken aback by what he said. Zach felt mostly angry at their manager for making Jack hide who he truly was.

Once jack sat down in his truck, he repeatedly punched his steering wheel and sat back in anger. "I hate myself" he yelled and turned on the ignition.

He silently drove himself home. The only sound was his tears and quiet sobs.

Once he reached home, he went straight up to his room. He plopped down on his bed and cried. He cried for what felt like hours on end.

"I'm so worthless" he'd repeat to himself, gripping his pillow. He gripped his pillow tighter with each heart ache he felt.

>| hi this was a short chapter

>| a lot of things are coming up though (:

>| what do you think David talked to the boys (not jack) about ?

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