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"They never knew my struggle
Rose above the rubble
Rather live inside the bubble
Then go through the trouble"
- pray


"Jack, come on. We're meeting her today" Corbyn yelled up the stairs towards Jacks room.

Jack slowly walked down the stairs as he rubbed his tired face.

It has past three weeks since the encounter with his manager. He hadn't slept, ate, hadn't talked to anyone, showered- except for today- or even left his room.

The bags under his eyes told the story of sadness and tiredness.

Jack reached the bottom of the stairs, sighing. "I'm ready" he said as he moved his hair out of the way.

"Okay, come on" Corbyn said, wrapping his arm around the shorter boy.

Jack shrugged off Corbyn's arm. "Come on, what's wrong. I don't get it, Jack."
Corbyn said.

"Nothing" He said getting into the truck, seeing the boys already sitting there waiting for him.

He stared out the windows with his ear buds in. He blasting the song "pray" by Sam Smith and Logic, feeling each word that was sung.

He felt like no matter how hard he tried, no one could accept him. When he in need of help, everyone just called him crazy. When he went to the mental facility, no one really checked on him. He came out gay, everyone made jokes about it, also making jokes about him hurting himself.

Now, he was being forced to show affection and lust towards someone he can't feel those emotions too.

"Stop the car" jack mumbled, everyone just kind of ignored him. He was use to that feeling.

"Stop the car, Jonah" Jack screamed.

"No, we have to get to David's." Jonah said back, ignoring the screams of Jack.

"No, no. I can't. Stop the car and pull over to that drug store" Jack demanded.

Everyone watched him like he was a freak. Jack couldn't handle it anymore. He just didn't want to live anymore.

Jonah pulled over safely to a drug store close by and Jack exited the car, telling them he'd be right back.

He had a plan.

He knew how he was going to end it all.


"Jack, this is Gabriela Gonzalez." David said smiling.

Jack just nodded his head. He stayed silent, he had nothing to say, he was just too angry.

He was mad that the boys didn't defend him.

He was mad that the boys didn't try to get him to come out of his room, or even interact with him throughout the last three weeks.

He was mad that his love, Zach, didn't say anything. He didn't try to comfort the boy, zach did nothing.

He felt hopeless and lonely. No one needed him here, he thought.

"So, tomorrow. You guys will go on a date tomorrow. Hopefully get caught, if anyone asks just say it's a date, nothing's official yet." David said and patted both teens on their backs.

Jack nodded once again and watched David leave the room.

"Not much of a talker, I see?" Gabbie said, smiling at jack.

"Just not a good month" Jack replied and smiled back at the girl in front of him.

He admits, she is beautiful. He just could never see himself dating another girl since he's developed feelings for Zach.

He sees Gabbie as more of a best friend and not a girlfriend.

"Oh shoot, I have to go. But I'll see you tomorrow? Nothing fancy I hope, keep in contact." Gabbie said and waved at him, then waving at the other boys when she passed them.

"She seems perfect for you, Jack" zach said to Jack.

Jack felt heartbroken. He loves Zach. It was the first thing Zach had said to him all month. Did Zach even care about him anymore?

Jack wanted to cry; he wanted to get everything over with.

- trigger warning -

3:30 am read Jacks clock. Jack sighed in happiness. He knew no one would be up at this time.

He quickly got up from his bed, snooping around their medicine cabinet for anything that could get him off the edge.

'Zach Herron' the label read. He knew what it was for, he knew it was Zach's pain medication he use to take when he first moved in with the rest of the boys from getting into a car crash.

He knew how mad Zach was to get a narcotic and how mad he was to take it, being scared at the chance of him being addicted to something so dangerous.

Jack felt pleased with what he found and quickly walked into the bathroom, grabbing a glass of water.

He went back into his room and popped six pills into his hand and quickly swallowed them, after taking a sip of water.

He laid in his bed, hoping that his body would become lifeless.

>| wassup

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