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"I don't like my mind right now
Stacking up problems that are so unnecessary"
- Heavy


Jack woke up in the middle of the night, due to him turning all night. He painted heavily as he sat up in his bed, looking over at Dani, who he shared a room with.

He wiped the sweat off of his head and walked into the connecting bathroom in their room. He turned on the light, examining his face.

Dark bags under his eyes, the sadness and tiredness that say resting on his face. He sighed loudly as he filled up his glass that stood next to the sink of water. He chugged it down, not feeling any better.

He needed fresh air. He slowly tiptoed around the house, not wanting to wake anyone up, but he didn't have too. He heard soft cries from the bathroom next to the other boys' rooms.

Jack softly knocked, hearing the soft cries stop. "Are you okay?" Jack whispered loud enough for the person to hear it. "I'm fine" he heard, he recognized that voice.

"Jonah?" He questioned. The door opened revealing Jonah with a puffy red face and the lights dim. "Hey, whats wrong?" Jack asked.

"What's wrong?" Jonah repeated, scoffing at Jack's words. "I almost killed you, Jack." Jonah said once again. "We all did. Do you not realize how much your depression has effected all of us?"

Jack felt taken aback. "I- I'm sorry" Jack said. "Our words, our nasty words and expressions almost killed you. We're the only ones to blame." Jonah then repeated.

"It's not your fault, it's no ones fault" Jack said reassuring his oldest friend. "Yes it is. If it wasn't for Daniel, Cora wouldn't of been around. I wouldn't of had feelings for her, she wouldn't of ruined you." Jonah said once again.

"I've known Cora since before Valentine's Day. There's no way that you guys could've fixed whatever problem Cora had with me."

"I broke up with her today, which you knew, but I just. I liked her so much Jack. How could one person be so cruel to people?" Jonah asked turning off the light.

"I don't have the answer to that question, Jonah." Jack replied looking down. "Okay, well goodnight jack." He said and walked back into his room before Jack could say it back.

Jack hung his head low. It truly was his fault. His friends couldn't be happy because he was dragging them down, or well that's what Jonah made it sound like.

Jack felt his self esteem collapse and he slowly walked back to his room. Jack walked over to Daniels bed and shook his body.

"Daniel" Jack whispered causing Daniel to wave him away. "Dani, please" Jack then pleaded.

Daniel sat up, annoyed. "What, I'm trying to sleep, Jack. It's four in the morning." Daniel said throwing his hands in the air.

"I can't sleep and I really cant be alone right now, please. Just stay up with me."

"Jack, I'm tired. We have a photo shoot tomorrow. Please just lay down and go to sleep."


Jack laid down, still not being able to sleep, instead he felt himself cry for the millionth time this month.

•hi there wasn't really a point to this chapter but yeah


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