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"Give me therapy
I'm a walking travesty
But I'm smiling at everything"
- Therapy


"Jack, your appointment starts in twenty minutes, we have to leave in five" Corbyn yelled.

Jack quickly gotten off of his bed and ran to the bathroom, making sure his head looked fine. "I'll be okay, just smile" he whispered to himself and walked down the stairs.

He was met by Zach, Jonah, and Daniel. They all gave him a look, one he was so use to by now.

Jack rolled his eyes and smiled at them. "It's been almost two months since it happened, you don't have to give me the sympathetic look, guys really. I'm okay"

"We're not giving you a look, we're just all proud of you, but you might want to hurry up because Corbyn will get all moody if you're not out in exactly five seconds"

"Alright, bye guys" Jack said waving at them.

Once he entered the truck, Corbyn quickly made sure he had his seatbelt on and began his drive to the therapist office.

Within the two months of the accident, Jack had called his mom to tell her what happened. He explained over the phone about how unhappy he is, how he didn't want to be alive anymore.

His mom immediately flew out to LA to comfort her only son. She would make sure he wasn't hurting himself, he was eating, he was on track with life.

One thing he didn't do though was tell anyone about Cora. He still hadn't told anyone about their valentines date. How her words made an impact on his life, one he couldn't turn away from.

Daniel and Cora had broken up, but that didn't stop Cora from leaving the lives of the boys, no. She started dating Jonah.

Daniel didn't mind, he just wanted his friend to be happy. Jack on the other hand, just ignored the two when they were together. He'd stay in his room, hiding.

The only one who knew the real story was Corbyn. Jack only trust Corbyn a little more was because that night, he didn't make Jack feel terrible about himself.

Corbyn never made Jack feel out of it, like he wasn't human. That and the fact that he's known Corbyn longer than he's know the other boys.

Corbyn didn't like Cora, he despised how all the boys like/liked her. Not even Christina liked her, that was a sign for Corbyn.

"Have fun, be honest. Alright?" Corbyn said stopping in front of the building.

"As you wish, mom" Jack said laughing, hopping out of the truck.

He waited a couple minutes before he was called in.

"Hello, Jack" his therapist said to him.


"How are you feeling today?"

"Sad, but not as sad as I use to be" He said, telling somewhat the truth.

"Thats good." She said and smiled.

She stood up and opened a door in her desk. She held out a tiny black box.

"Since you're showing progress, almost two month of being clean and eating. I got you a gift, a lot of my clients ask for certain things, but this. This is something you should cherish." She said handing it to him.

Jack opened the box and inside was two pins, they were more like a charm.

One charm was a a spiral and under the spiral picture 'evolution' was carved into it. The other one was a triangle with 'goals' carved into it.

"Wha- what are these?" He asked.

"They're signs of progress. Progress of your road to recovery." She said sitting straight up in her chair.

"What if I relapse?" He asked after a moment of silence.

"Jack, relapsing is okay. It's a sign of recovering-"

"But then all my progress would be gone. I'd have to start over"

"Starting over is okay. Relapsing teaches you how to succeed. It makes you stronger than the last time."

•this book is too relatable for me oh my jack avery, but I love it

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