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"If I were you, I'd put that away.
See, you're just wasted
And thinking 'bout the past again
Darling you'll be okay"
- Hold on till may


Jack stumbled through Logan's house, still drinking the toxic liquids in the red solo cups.

Instead of continually grabbing new cups, he just decided to grab the bottle, finding himself a comfy spot in the corner of the room. Specifically away from everyone.

He sat there, drowning in alcohol. No one seemed to notice, no one seemed to care. The boys didn't seem to be looking for him, he didn't know if that was good or bad.

"I'm so worthless" he said chugging down the liquid.

"Jack?" Someone questioned and he turned around to see her.

"What are you doing here?" He slurred out, lazily hugging Cora.

"I'm here with my boyfriend, what, are you okay?" She said smelling the gross smell of whiskey on Jack's breath.

"Why wouldn't I be okay?"

"You're drunk, let me take you home." She said, tugging onto his arm.

"Don't touched me" Jack screamed and yanked his arm out of her grip.

"Jack, I'm going to take you home. You cant keep drinking, it's not good for you." She said sounding worried.

She seemed different. She seemed kind and caring, for once. He wanted to give in, but he knew in the end, he'd end up hurt again.

"No, no" he said and started to back up.

"Fine, let me go get one of the boys" she said and walked away.

Jack took this chance to walk away. He took a journey through Logan's house and ended up near his pool.

Jack looked at the clear blue water calling his name. He looked around and noticed not a lot of people were out here even if there was a lot of people, they didn't notice nor care about him specifically.

Jack took off his shirt and laid it on the pavement. Slowly walking into the freezing water.

"Jack, what are you doing?" He heard.

He turned around to be met with four boys. He shook his head and began to walk in deeper.

"Jack, come on, get out. It's freezing. You're going to be sick." Jonah said, reaching out for Jacks arm.

Jacks drunk mind shook him away and began to walk further into the deep end.

"Jack-" He heard before sticking his head under water. He closed his eyes and let his body sink down to the bottom.

After a couple minutes of the boys freaking out over Jacks safety, Jonah jumped into the water, making him come back to the top.

Jack quickly gasped for air as he panted.

"Why'd you do that?" He screamed at Jonah who was shivering and staring at Jack's blue lips.

"Jack, what's gotten into you? Are you trying to drown yourself?" Jonah asked, trying to pull him towards the stairs of the pool.

"Yes, let me succeed" He slurred and began to go back under.

This time Daniel jumped in. "No, Jack" Daniel said forcefully pulling him out of the pool, of corse with the help of Jonah.

"What's your problem?" Jack screamed at everyone watching him.

"You guys didn't seem to care until this minute. Sure you guys forced me to go talk to someone, but when did you guys actually fucking care about how I felt?" He said pushing Daniel.

"I'm so sick of living and I'm so sick of you guys acting as if everyone in this band is so happy. None of us are happy." Jack then continued.

"And you," He said directing his attention towards Cora.

"You ruined me" he cried out. "You made me feel gross and disgusted with myself. Whenever I looked at myself in the mirror, all I see is fat and a boy who's to depressed to live.

But no one cares that I want to die" jack screamed.

"You need to calm down, we do care. You know we care, don't blame us for your problems, Jack" Corbyn said getting in front of him.

"I'm not blaming anyone. If anything, I'm blaming myself for not killing myself sooner." He said and collapsed to his knees.

"Jack?" Zach whispered and watched the rage in jacks eyes grow direct towards him.

"And then there's you Zach who tried to act like the perfect little sixteen year old." Jack said, not knowing where he was going with this. He had nothing bad to say to or about zach.

Zach frowned and ran over to his friend, wrapping his arms around his fragile body and leaning his head on his shoulder.

Everyone watched Jack as he had broke down. Horror looks were framed onto people's faces, including the boys.

They saw what Jacks body consumed of. Scars and present cuts scattered his body, his ribs stuck out, more than usual.

They feared that they were the slightest to late to actually save their friend. Even with a therapist, the old jack was gone.

They looked at the deep gashed that were lined around his stomach, the monster himself cried at his own body.

"Im so sorry" he sobbed out, latching himself onto Jonah and Zach. "I can't help it" he cried out once again.

The four other boys began to cry too, they couldn't help it either. They couldn't watch Jack's every move, they wish they got to him before he started this habit.

"We're going to fix you, Jack. We're going to be there every step of the way." Daniel said and grabbed onto jack.

Daniel felt his eyes droop of sadness. "I'm sorry we weren't there before, but we're here now. That's what matters" he said before letting go of jack.

Daniel grabbed onto Jack's dry shirt and covered Jack with it.

The boys witnessed first hand, Jack Avery attempting suicide.

>| uH this sucked im sorry.

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