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"The only difference between life and dying
Is one is trying, that's all we're going to do
So try to love me and I'll try to save you"
- Lovely


Jack woke up to whispering. He slowly opened his eyes, letting them adjust to the light. He looked around until he spotted Corbyn, Jonah, and Daniel.

They were all sitting on Daniels bed.

"Do you think they've been dating?" He heard Jonah say.

"No, they would've told us"

"How do we know? Jack has been very secretive lately" Jonah said once again

"Leave Jack alone, he went through something and didn't know how to talk about it. He's better now and would tell us."

Jack smiled at the though of Corbyn sticking up for him. He then looked down and looked the younger boy sleeping, snuggled into his side.

Jack smiled and slowly let the smile fall once he realized that Zach might not even be gay, it could've just been the moment.

"I'm awake, guys." Jack said and sighed.

"Shit" Jonah said realizing that he was being an ass. "I didn't mean a single thing I said" Jonah replied once again.

"Mhm sure" Corbyn said slapping Jonah's chest.

Zach began to stir in his sleep and slowly began to wake up. He looked around seeing that he was still in jacks arms, listening to the boys argue.

"Good morning" Zach said as he smiled towards everyone and stood up, leaving Jack's body cold.

Zach walked out of the room, this was too much for him. It was too much for a sixteen year old boy to truly understand his sexuality.. I mean, was he even attracted to boys?

"I'm going to shower" Jack said grabbing clothes. "And no, we're not dating" he said once again and walked out the door.


Jack was sitting on the stone bench in their garden with a notebook. He began to write down words that expressed the way he felt about Zach and the world.

He wasn't even focused, he just let his mind take control of his body.

After a little while, Jack felt one of his earbuds being pulled out and looked up to see a smiling Zach.

"Hey, buddy" Jack said and moved over a little bit for Zach.

"Hey, whatcha writing?" Zach said and tried to look but Jack quickly closed it.


"Okay, well how are you feeling?"

"Honestly?" Jack question

"Yes, honestly. Honesty is the best policy" Zach said with his finger in the air causing Jack to chuckle.

"Well, I feel great, but do we love each other like we said we do, last night?"

"I love you, I wasn't kidding about it. It's going to take time to get me comfortable with being affectionate towards you, you know?" Zach said and looked down.

Jack knew that Zach had always had bad relationships in the past. He knew they'd end terribly for the sixteen year old and he'd be left heart broken.

"I understand." Jack said looking down at the deep dark scars on his arm. He was letting the sun hit them, he was so closed up with long sleeved shirts and long pants that his skin forgot what the sun was.

As he stared at his arms, he felt one of Zach's hands snake around his waist while the other one traveled up his arm to his hand, intertwining their fingers.

"I'm so proud of you, Jack."


"Because look at these, they're beautiful. They're showing how hard times were for you, but they're scars now. They're fading away, time heals everything, Jack. It's so beautiful to see something so damaged become not breakable. " zach said with a smile causing Jacks heart to do flips.

"Zach, I -"

"No, enjoy this moment Jack. You deserve everything in the world, I will make sure you get what you deserve. Even if I am the younger one, I have to show you how much you deserve to be happy.

All you have to do is love me. If you love me, Jack, then you're going to get every moment of happiness" zach said and leaned his head on Jack's shoulder.

"I want to take everything slow, okay?" Zach said.

Jack nodding saying "me too" as he looked at the younger boy.

Jack turned to look at Zach's full face. He kissed Zach's forehead and stayed in the same position, "this is my happiness" Jack whispered letting his tears fall.

>| hi
>| im sad and really just wanna watch Netflix and just not communicated with any person today. I feel terrible.
>| but i hope you enjoy
>| btw I recommend listening to lovely by twenty one pilots, it is one of my absolute favorite songs by them
>| i had the part 'try to love me and I'll try to save you' written in cursive by someone so I can get it tattooed when I was 18 in my wrist, I sadly lost the paper with it written.
>| ok have a good day

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