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"If you were me, you'd do the same
'Cause I can't take anymore
I'll draw the shades and close the door
Everything's not alright"
-Hold on till may

He got up, being dragged out of the house by the boys. They got him set up in the truck and began to drive home.

Jonah would casually glance at the back to see if Jack was okay.

Everyone was quiet on the way back to the house, there was tension in the air that made most of the boys feel uncomfortable.

For Jack, he just wanted to sleep off his headache.

Once they arrived, they helped Jack change and go to sleep. The rest of the boys gathered around their dining room table and just sat in silence until someone spoke up about the events tonight.

"He needs to see a psychiatrist" Daniel said as he rest his head in hands.

"We can't make him go" zach said and sat up. "He's just having trouble, he'll be okay"

"Did you not just see him, Zach?"

"Well I did-"

"Exactly. He needs help, we can't just sit here and let him slowly tear himself apart. We all saw it, him." Daniel then continued.

"What he did to himself, wasn't him. It couldn't of been. The Jack we know isn't capable of hurting himself or others." Corbyn spoke up, slouching.

"Sorry to break it to you, but this isn't the Jack we know. Look at him. He's different. He's changed."

"Okay, well we need to start a plan then." Jonah spoke up before Daniel started an argument.

"We can take him to see a psychiatrist, maybe more therapy. What if we put him into a hospital for three days? You know, for suicide watch."

"A hospital? Why?" Zach said

"They just evaluate him. They'll give him structure, medicine. It'll be a seventy two hour suicide watch."

"We can't put him in there" zach said standing up.

"Zach, it's what's best for him. Don't you want him to get better? It'll just help everyone understand what's wrong with him. I'm sorry zach that you have to hear and see this but it's what has to happen." Jonah said pulling out his phone, sending a message to Jacks mom about the events.


"Jack, wake up" Jack heard someone whisper.

He fluttered his eyes open, immediately shutting it with the increasing pain of his headache.

"Jack?" He heard and he once again opened his eyes.

He jumped up to see his moms face. "Mom, what are you doing here?" He said wrapping his arms around her neck.

"Surprise visit?" She said as more of a question.

Kristen rubbed her sons back, starting to cry. She didn't understand why her son was hurting so much. Other than his junior year, nothing really happened.

Sure, he had problems with his dad, but who doesn't?

"Come on, shower, get dressed, and come downstairs to eat. Okay, hun?" She said sweetly and left his room after seeing him nod.

Once Kristen got downstairs, she said the puffy red faces of Sydnie and Ava. "He's going to get better, girls. Don't worry" she assured her daughters with a smile.

"Yeah, im sure he will. He's strong." Daniel then chimed in.

Corbyn walked into the kitchen, smelling the food. "Yum" he mumbled as he hugged Jack's mom.

Everyone laughed at Corbyn's obsession with food.

Everyone began to poke at their food as they waited for Jack.

When he finally came downstairs, looking drained, they all began eating. Before he ate, he hugged both of his sisters, asked about Isla and Darrin.

"Jack, honey. We all want to talk about something." Kristen said, placing her fork next to her plate.

He looked up and noticed everyone looking at him, he felt small.

"Sure" He said

"We think, we think it's best if you see someone, someone that's not a therapist. Like a psychiatrist or we admit you in somewhere to get help. You cant deny this offer Jack, it has to happen. I hope you understand that." Kristen said rubbing his hand.

There was a long pause between the family and boys. Kristen began to sob as she stood up to hug her sobbing son.

"Please, say something. Anything" she whispered into his ear.

"Please Jack. Just talk to us" Sydnie said.

Jack sat there, numb. "I'll go." Was all he said before letting his body fall limp into his moms arms.

>| hi guys
>| im sad but what's new
>| remember, you aren't alone.

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