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"Sharp edges have consequences
I guess I had to find out for myself
Sharp edges have consequences
Now, every scar is a story I can tell"
- Sharp Edges

Third person

Jack took off his belt and held his phone to a doctor. "Are you sure im going to be okay in here?" Jack said looking over at his mom.

"I promise you, Mr.Avery. Everything's going to be fine. Now, we have to go over some rules. You will be asked to wear these sweatpants and shirt. We understand that some patients get cold, if that's the case we will give you a hoodie or a blanket. We don't not allow zip up sweaters, bracelets, jewelry, anything with strings." The lady said.

"Nothing with buttons or anything sharp." She said unamused. Kristen handed the nurse aid jacks bag filled with his clothes, books, anything to keep him occupied.

"Jack, I have to go. Everything will be okay, you're going to get better" Kristen said wiping her tears and hugging her only son tightly. "I will be here every step of the way" she said and kissed his cheek. She gave him one last look before walking out.

Jack felt.. dead. He was dead to the world. He had nothing left inside of him to keep himself happy or give himself something to smile at.

Kristen walked out of the institution and sat in Jack's truck. She began to cry and think about the events that lead her son to this insanity. She put her hand up to her moth to quiet down her sobs and turned the ignition on.

She drove to the boys' house and sat in the drive way for a couple minutes. When she finally regained herself, she got out of the truck and went into the house, greeted by all the boys and her daughters.

"How was he?" Zach asked, looking at Kristen sadly. "He was fine. He willingly went, he didn't try to fight it." She said and latched herself onto the stair railing as she walked up the steps.

"Mom-" Sydnie began but stopped and just decided to follow her mom upstairs. Daniel gave zach a look of concern as the young boy just cried. "He will be fine, Zach" Daniel said, pulling him into a hug.

"What if he has something seriously wrong with him and we've been ignoring it for months. We should've gotten him checked when we first noticed his behavior." Zach said pushing Daniel off of him. "I'm going to sleep" the younger boy mumbled and went to his room, shutting the door softly.

"Both of them will be okay" Jonah said and sat back down on the couch.

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