Chapter 1

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"Mom have you seen my volleyball shoes and my uniform?"

"Yes I have they're sitting on your bed next to your bag"

"What time is the camp at Duke?"

"The camp is at noon I will drop you off at eleven"

My mom signed me up for my first volleyball camp and I am so excited but yet nervous. I couldn't wait to get to Duke it's like my second home and my favorite place to visit.

When I walk into the gym I look up to the rafters in the most historic gym in the country I start to get chills because I have a chance to hang a banner and get my jersey retired like my parents had done. I love everything about Cameron the atmosphere during games and most importantly The Cameron Crazies you can't mention Cameron without mentioning them

" In just a few short seconds I'm going to show down, throw down, and otherwise knock you down with a barrage of amazing spikes, blocks, and digs, and show you what volleyball is all about."

At the camp I met a girl named Kate who would end up being one of my best friends and my roommate at Duke. 

"Hi my name is Jackie"

"Hi my name is Kate"

"I know we just met but where have you been thinking about going to school"

"Jackie I have been thinking about Duke ever since I saw a video of your mom playing. What about you?"

"Kate like you I have been thinking about Duke as well it has been a dream of mine. Both of my parents went there"

The coaches split us up into two teams for a scrimmage I on one team and Kate on another. I went first on serving the ball over the net to start the game. The first serve was a perfect serve to score the first point. On the second serve I hit it over and when it came back I froze and let it drop right in front of me I was so mad.

After the scrimmage both teams shake hands. My team ended up winning each match although some went back and forth. Before I left I went to go talk to Kate one final time.

"Hey Kate nice game you did really good"

"Thanks Jackie you did really good as well"

"Thanks Kate I hope we see each other again"

After the camp I go home to take a shower so that I can go to the summer party that my parents host before the start of school. I wore a blue dress with a white cardigan and a pair of white flats with my hair curled. I saw this boy that I had seen in the neighborhood before and I was so shy to go up and talk to him.

Everything about him made me laugh even though I shouldn't have been laughing but I just had to find out who he was. Before I went inside for the night I looked over at him and smiled and he smiled back at me.

I saw you from a distance and thought to myself "He is so adorable, I just want to take care of him." It must be love — I want to put you first."

A/N: I know this chapter was short but I promise you they will be longer next time and better writing wise. Good win for the boys tonight and hopefully Grayson is back for good this time.

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