Chapter 18

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My birthday was my favorite other than Christmas because it meant gifts and dinner with my parents and a few close friends. My mom was planning to do a masked ball on campus for my birthday I was excited and dinner would be done before the ball. I however had a gift myself for everybody I couldn't wait to tell everybody. I was sound asleep when all of a sudden I felt strong arms wrap around me I felt like I could go back to sleep and not move. I felt at home and I felt like I was where I wanted to be.

Grayson: "Morning princess"

Me: "Morning"

Grayson: "Happy birthday"

Me: "Thank you"

Grayson: "Please tell me what you're wearing tonight."

Me: "No it's a surprise"

Grayson: "Come on"

Me: "No now stop asking"

Grayson: "Fine"

I get up to take a shower I had practice and then I had my sports journalism article on coach I had to write. After taking a shower I walk out to Nicole and Kate in the living room with breakfast and I could tell something was going on. Breakfast was french toast along with bacon my favorite.

Nicole: "Happy birthday"

Kate: "Happy birthday"

Me: "Thank you. Do you two mind helping me with something later?"

Nicole and Kate: "Sure mind telling us what's going on"

Me: "I just want to check on something"

Kate: "How late are you?"

Nicole: "OMG it's about time this happened"

Me: "I don't know maybe a few days or a week. I want to be sure that this is right before you two start fighting over who gets to be godmother."

Kate and Nicole: "What makes you think we would fight over that"

Me: "I've heard the two of you on this topic and that is for me to decide now let's go find out if this is true so that everybody else can find out tonight."

Kate and I get ready for practice at least there wasn't a game. I told coach I wanted to take it easy and not over do it she didn't ask further but she did say happy birthday. Practice wasn't too bad but I was glad it was over I was tired but I just wanted to find out if I was or was not pregnant. My mom and Nicole met Kate and I at the doctor's office my mom was grinning from ear to ear. I was nervous and scared I have wanted this ever since I was little but it felt too soon. I wanted this later but I have a good support system so I will be okay.

The doctor knocks on the door and walks in. The doctor put the cold jelly on my stomach which made me jump a little I hate cold liquids she laughed a little she could tell I was nervous. My mom along with Kate and Nicole were looking at the screen as the doctor started going over my stomach they all had big smiles on their faces.

Doctor Dawson: "Congrats it's a girl"

Mom: "Your father will be so proud of you"

Me: "I hope so. What is he doing right now?"

Mom: "Getting ready for tonight with the boys"

Me: "Can you fold that paper up and put it in an envelope"

Mom: "Sure"

Me: "Mom I'm scared"

Mom: "You'll be fine you have your dad and I along with Grayson's parents the two of you will get through this we love you so much"

Kate, Nicole, and I get ready for the party for the evening. I was excited but I was also nervous about telling Grayson but I knew it would be okay because we had talked about it and said that whenever it happens we would be ready for it. I put on my dress and mask which was similar to what Anastasia wore in Fifty Shades Darker.

Luke: "Happy birthday I meant to tell you this morning"

Me: "Thank you"

Luke: "Are you okay?"

Me: "Luke I'm pregnant"

Luke: "Does he know?"

Me: "I'm telling him tonight"

Luke: "Congrats"

Me: "Thank you"

I get in my car and go to Cameron for my birthday party. When I got there I saw Grayson's parents. I loved Sherry Allen and her heart to heart conversations she was like a second mother to me and was always around when my mom wasn't. I could tell she knew because she had talked to my mom. I call her mom too I always have I guess I have gotten use to it and it made sense.

Sherry: "Hello you beautiful girl"

Me: "Hi mom"

Sherry: "Have you told him yet?"

Me: "I have not yet just getting ready to"

Sherry: "Go tell him"

Me: "I will"

I walk over to my dad and Grayson laughing about the season Grayson is either getting told some old story on his playing days or on coach. The two of them are the same playing wise both play with an edge and play competitive with a temper. My dad heard me walk up to them.

Me: "Hope I'm not interrupting"

Dad: "Hi princess no you're not"

Me: "Dad can I talk to Grayson alone"

Dad: "Sure"

My dad went to go talk to my mom. I saw that they were talking about where to put the cake and something else. I looked at Grayson and took a deep breath before telling him. I was nervous in telling him what I was about to say.

Me: "I have something to tell you"

Grayson: "Okay go ahead don't be scared"

Me: "I'm pregnant Gray"

Grayson: "What happened to Nicole?"

Me: "She doesn't know yet"

Grayson: "Boy or girl?"

Me: "Girl"

Grayson: "You know she's going to be spoiled like her mother is"

Me: "So you're not mad?"

Grayson: "No I love you and our daughter how could I be"

Me: "I love you"

I blew out the candles while everybody sang happy birthday. I am so thankful for the people in my life and I'm ready for what's next. I loved tonight and the little girl growing inside of me.

A/N: I'm so proud of this team even though this may not have been the result they wanted. To Grayson I am beyond proud of you and all that you have accomplished in four years time you have grown so much and I love you more than you will ever know. I don't know when I'll have another chapter out just yet.

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