Chapter 37

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It's finally senior yer time sure does fly by it seems like yesterday first grade recess happened and it's a good thing it did. Luke got drafted to Detroit while not ideal we will all make it work. Amile got drafted to Minnesota, Jayson got drafted by Boston, Frank got drafted by New Orleans, Harry got drafted by Sacramento, Chase along with Sean transferred so a lot happened over the summer.

The team for the most part is young leaving Grayson to have to figure out how to fit the freshmen in. From what I hear they're suppose to be good. Alex O'Connell's father played for Duke in the 70's but didn't play for Coach K. I just hope he doesn't get the villain tag put on him to me the whole concept is obnoxious and ridiculous but then my father started it and look at what happened last year. We had one more Freshmen to get and that was Marvin Bagley judging by film he's pretty darn good.

The team was set to do a trip to the Dominican Republic but then we all found out that coach needed to have surgery done so the trip was cancelled. We also found out that we got Marvin and that he was going to reclassify making this team set and ready to go. Everybody was going crazy over getting him and it put us as the number one team ranked in the country. 

What's even crazier is that all of the kids are growing up. You have Mike who's walking on talking, Tristian and Leah are starting second grade, Delilah is starting preschool, Sydnee is starting first grade. I literally can't keep up with everybody anymore. Nicole and I said two kids was enough and that we didn't want more.

I am hoping and praying that Grayson can at least have a good senior year. He has been through so much with all the injuries and just everything else no one really should have to experience all of that. The thing that I think people should be proud of is that he has a sense of humility and that he is able to address what happened and the fact that he went too far and is able to admit it and say that it was a mistake and that it shouldn't have happened. No one more than me other than Coach K supports him like my father Grayson is coach's favorite of course coach says that he doesn't play favorites but we all know he does.

Tonight is the last Countdown To Craziness. Not only in four years have I gone I have been to others before of course with my father being a former player I have seen many games and practices along with K Academy in the summer. I decided to wear a pair of black leggings and a blue jersey with G's number on it and also the necklace that I have worn before. I was standing in front of the bathroom mirror putting on my makeup when Grayson came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

Grayson: "God I love when you wear my jersey"

Me: "Thank you"

Grayson: "How much longer?"

Me: "You don't rush perfection"

Grayson: "Okay"

After having gotten all of that done I walked into the living room to see Leah in the same thing as me except her jersey was white and Mike was in jeans and his black long sleeved shirt with Gray's number on it. Everybody says Leah looks like me and that Mike looks like Grayson which is better than Tristian looking like Luke I just hope he doesn't act like him.

I grabbed my keys and purse and walked out to the car to get ready to go to Cameron. Gray walked out with Mike and Leah and I help get both of them in good thing this doesn't take long. Campus for countdown is always crazy and parking isn't easy to find unless you have a pass and can find parking outside Cameron. We walked in and the rest of the team was in the locker room.

Javin: "Uh oh here comes trouble"

Me: "You guys are more trouble than I am"

Jack: "Luna's out by court she's been waiting for you"

Me: "You guys need more than one captain but then your captain needs help"

Grayson: "Would you get out"

Me: "Okay whatever"

I take Mike and Leah and walk out to the court to find Luna along with my parents and Grayson's parents. My dad of course is sitting on the bench talking to coach about who knows what. Cameron starts to fill up quickly and it is packed to the masses.

The PA announcer welcomes everybody and starts to do player intros. In some there was dancing and some didn't even dance and I thought that was a requirement. The last intro makes everyone else's look stupid of course he would come out to the song of the crazies and an essential Everytime We Touch. The video got passed around on Twitter and it had the usual hate comments but to the rest of us who cares the point is he was having some fun.

They start the blue versus white scrimmage game. The blue team won 43-41 Alex hit the game winning three. Gary and Grayson both had 13 points and led all scorers. Marvin had 12, and Wendell had 11. Nobody really led by more than five in the first 10 minutes. Gary made some threes to get the blue team back in it. I thought it was a fun one but I was waiting for the dunk contest.

They decided to bring back the dunk contest which is my favorite part. I heard about who was going to do what but I thought this was no contest on who was going to win. Some of the dunks were good I thought Grayson had a good second one how he got up there with his feet looking like Peter Parker in Spiderman is impressive. He goes to do his last dunk and I thought coach was going to find out and tell him no but then he didn't. He decides to dunk over not one but two cheerleaders to win the contest.

Afterwards Luna and I along with the kids are outside the locker room waiting on the guys to come out. Grayson and Jack come walking out laughing about who knows what. I like it when they're all laughing and having a good time the freshmen are funny too. Grayson walks over and picks up Leah and kisses my cheek.

Me: "How did he not find out about the last one?"

Grayson: "I have no idea"

Me: "If he had he would've told you no"

Grayson: "He probably would have"

Me: "But then you get away with everything and he lets you"

Grayson: "No he doesn't"

Me: "He did the same thing with my father"

Grayson: "Okay"

After being at Cameron for a little more we decided to go home. The kids were tired and I was too I decided to let Grayson sleep in. When we got home I went into the kitchen to get a glass of wine I went to put in the bedroom. I walked into Mike's room to and got him ready for bed he looked tired Grayson was reading a story to Leah when I walked down the hall to go to the bedroom. I put on one of Grayson's t-shirts I decided not to put on shorts. I got in bed and had my glass of wine Grayson walks in and puts the TV on we were watching some movie and somehow during the movie I had fallen asleep and Grayson pulled me into his chest and he fell asleep after I had.

A/N: I apologize for not getting this out earlier I have been busy with work that I haven't had time. I'm still trying to decide if I want to continue this book once we get to the end. Speaking of countdown I leave you with video. The last one is my personal favorite love you baby.

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