Chapter 20

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I felt like I was about to go into labor at any moment and so did Nicole. Good thing we both had the same due date. I was ready to see my own two feet and to start wearing clothes that fit me not that I didn't mind wearing maternity clothes I just wanted to be comfortable. Thank god for my mom and Sherry for keeping me sane when those basketball fools weren't playing at home.

The apartment was coming along nicely and so was the nursery. The nursery colors were a light yellow and pink the crib was white and so was the chair. My mom and Grayson set up the room and got exactly what i picked out. My parents worked on the kitchen and bought brand new appliances.

Nicole was having a harder time than I was. The doctor put her on bed rest which she hated and had made sure to blame Luke for it. The doctor had me on partial bed rest but told me to be careful when moving but Grayson insisted on having me not move which I didn't argue about. Good thing he was around to keep me somewhat sane. Poor Luke he was trying so hard but Nicole was driving him crazy so he came over.

Luke: "Jackie I'm going crazy"

Grayson: "I don't feel sorry for you"

Luke: "Shut up you're lucky"

Me: "I'm sorry Luke but Nicole is pregnant and it is hormones"

Luke: "What do I do?"

Me: "Give her some doughnuts to calm her down"

Luke: "How are you holding up?"

Me: "I'm fine although I would like to see my own two feet"

Luke: "Have you thought of a name?"

Me: "I first thought Sydnee but I'm now thinking Leah"

Luke: "I like Leah"

Grayson: "Leah sounds better. Do you need anything sweetheart before we leave?"

Me: "No I'm going to be fine"

Grayson: "Okay my mom will be over to watch the game with you"

Me: "Okay I love you"

Grayson: "Love you too princess"

Mama Allen comes over to watch the UNC game with me she brought over PF Chang's to eat my favorite. The boys are down two at the half. The team to start did not look but Tyus made a big shot on a turnover and finished with 24 points. Grayson played only 11 minutes and had 7 points. We ended up winning 84-77 and now had to wait to see who we would play in the conference tournament.

I soundly was trying to sleep when Grayson got home but my stomach just wouldn't let me. I could feel Leah kick me with every toss and turn and I just needed her to stop. I could feel some water hit the bed sheet I think she's coming.

Grayson: "Hey sweetheart you okay?"

Me: "My water just broke darling"

Grayson: "Let me call your mom and then I'll call Luke"

Grayson drove me to the hospital and our parents met us there. Grayson found out from Luke that Nicole was going into labor with Tristian. Good thing these two decided to come while the guys were here and not when they were away. Nicole was across the hall from me thank goodness because I wanted to see my nephew.

Luke: "How are you?"

Me: "I'm fine. How's Nicole doing?"

Luke: "She's screaming very loudly"

Me: "Luke she's in labor now go back over there and watch her give birth to your son"

Nicole's doctor walked in all gowned and masked ready to take her to labor and delivery. Doctor Dawson walked in ready to go as well I just wanted to hold my baby girl. Hours and screams later both babies arrived happy and healthy Nicole and I were both exhausted.

Grayson: "You did amazing I love our little girl"

Me: "I'm glad it's over and I bet Nicole is even happier"

Luke: "Hey guys meet your nephew Tristian"

Me: "Oh look him. Hi your daddy is horrible and drives your mommy crazy"

Luke: "I do not"

Grayson: "You really do"

Luke: "Thanks G"

Grayson: "You know I'm right"

Luke: "Yeah whatever"

Luke decided to go back across the hall with Tristian to let him sleep and to check on Nicole. My parents along with Grayson's parents walk in to see Leah my mom was as happy as could be. I was starting to become tired but I managed to stay awake. 

Mom: "How are you?"

Me: "Tired"

Mom: "You just gave birth after all"

Me: "Thanks mom

Mom: "Now let me see my beautiful grand daughter"

Me: Where's dad?"

Dad: "I'm right here"

My mom starts playing with Leah already in grandma role my dad starts to make funny faces at her. I started laughing they did the same thing with me. Sherry and Grayson walk in with some food. 

Sherry: "How you holding up sweetheart?"

Me: "I'm tired but other than that I'm fine"

Mom: "We're going to head home. Make sure you get some sleep."

Me: "I will"

After my parents leave Sherry picks up Leah and starts to play with her like my mom was doing earlier. Grayson was sitting there holding her playing with her tiny pinky finger she is going to have him wrapped around her finger. This father and daughter moment warmed my heart.

After being in the hospital for a few hours they clear me and let us take Leah home for the night. Nicole was still waiting to be cleared when we left. I was ready to go home and I wanted to put Leah in her new crib in her room. They finally let Nicole go home good thing they have a room for Tristian they made Grayson's old room his nursery.

Grayson: "Im going to put Leah to sleep"

Me: "Okay I am going to bed myself. I love you."

Grayson: "Love you too"

After putting Leah to bed which didn't take Grayson long he came in and held me close and kissed my head. Not once did Leah wake up except only when she cried but Grayson let me sleep and he got Leah. Grayson decided to let me sleep in the next morning which I was thankful for because I was tired. 

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