Chapter 32

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After we got back from the camp we went to go get Leah and Mike like I told Nicole we would. When we got home I took Mike to the nursery and put him to bed. Grayson was putting Leah to bed when I walked in to say goodnight.

Me: "Night princess"

Leah: "Night mommy"

I went into the bedroom and got under the covers. I have been getting some sleep although I don't mind giving it up for my kids. Grayson came in and pulled me into his chest.

Grayson: "Luke still hasn't proposed to her"

Me: "He's probably still trying to figure out where and how he wants to do it"

Grayson: "All of us have been dating since high school how long does he need"

Me: "It's Luke it's not like he's you and already knew"

Grayson: "Good point"

Me: "Good night I'll get the kids in the morning"

Grayson: "Okay"

Couples of times Mike woke up and needed to be changed. Once he woke up and couldn't fall back asleep so I did some lullabies like I did with Leah. I also put on Everytime We Touch to get him to fall back asleep.

In the morning I woke up early and started on my English paper and the next journalism paper. I heard Leah wake up so I went in and checked on her. Her feet were hanging out just a little bit reminds me of Grayson.

Leah: "Mommy can you make waffles?"

Me: "I sure can baby let me go check on your brother"

Leah: "Okay"

I walk into the nursery and turn the music off. I walk over to Mike's crib and pick him up and I sit in the rocking chair. This kid is probably going to look either like my dad, Grayson, or coach. I'm hoping for a combination of the three but I doubt it will be all three.

I walk into the kitchen carrying Mike about to make breakfast. I go put Mike in his swing in the living room. I open up the refrigerator and grab everything I need. I pull out the waffle maker a gift from my parents. Grayson and Leah both walk in and sit down.

Me: "Morning"

Grayson: "You're making waffles?"

Me: "Leah wanted them"

Grayson: "Luke told me what he's doing"

Me: "This ought to be good"

Grayson: "It's cheesy"

Me: "Of course it is"

I don't know why but my journalism professor seems to give me the basketball articles. I thought everyone in the class would get a chance but I guess that isn't the case. I mean i don't mind but I feel like another writer isn't getting a chance.

Me: "I'm going over to help Nicole get ready"

Grayson: "Who's got Tristian and Delilah?"

Me: "Mark and Jennifer are coming in"

Grayson: "Oh okay"

Me: "Need anything while I'm out?"

Grayson: "No"

I get in my car and go to Nicole's and help her get ready for later tonight. Luke needed a little push to get this done it came from myself and Lauren. Nicole was busy getting ready when I walked in. The kids were watching a cartoon show on television. For Nicole I picked out a blue sleeveless dress and silver pumps.

Me: "I put out a dress and some pumps for you"

Nicole: "Thank you"

Me: "No problem"

Nicole: "I'm worried"

Me: "Relax it'll be fine"

Nicole: "Luke isn't Grayson"

Me: "No one will ever be him that much is true. Luke wanted me to give you this it's an address"

Nicole: "Okay"

Nicole puts the address in her phone and gets into her car. The drive is familiar to her but she can't remember how. She doesn't realize it until she remembers it's the beach we went to one summer. She sees a bottle with a piece of paper inside inside of it. The paper says:

The starts in the sky,

Match the sparkle in your eye

Love starts with a dance,

Then it blooms into romance.

If two become one,

It's a lot more fun.

My request is simply: Will you please marry me?

Nicole turns around to see Luke down on one knee in front of her. The ring inside the box is a good one may not be mine but it will have to do. Nicole had waited all this time for him after the stupids fights and the all of the stuff with Anna but in the end he was somehow worth it.

Luke: "Nicole will you marry me"

Nicole: "Yes you idiot" 

A/N: I apologize for this being so short and so crappy. I normally don't do chapters back to back I like to space them out but I decided not to. Until next time my loves.

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