Chapter 9

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A/N: I'm going to talk a little about the summer trip to Paris and then do a time jump

Nicole and I land in Paris we had taken my parents' jet they let us borrow it. My friend Kate from Volleyball camp had texted me and said she in Paris for the summer. I told her that she could stay with Nicole and I at my parents' beach house. 

"Did you text Grayson?"

"Yes and did you text Luke?"

"Yes I did."

We walk out of the airport and walk to my mom's white Audi she keeps at the airport. I love this car it's one of my favorites. Nicole and I listen to the playlist we made for the trip that had music we stole from the guys. It had been awhile since I've been in Paris. I try to come when I can. Last time I was in Paris was my birthday weekend with Grayson that included being on top of the Eiffel Tower and a very long kiss.

Nicole and I head to the house and walk in and go unpack our bags. My mom stocked the pantry and refrigerator with what we wanted. The house had a pool and a private beach in the back that only we could use. 

"You want to go layout and then get some lunch?"

"Sure. Is Kate meeting us?"


I go put on a white swimsuit I brought with me and Nicole puts on a black swimsuit and then we head outside. We layout by the pool with a book and some music. I could do this all day long and not move.

"I just love this view."

"Me too"

"Lets get changed grab some lunch and go meet Kate."

"Sounds good to me."

We both grab showers and get dressed and then leave to meet Kate. The boys both send us pictures of the campus and both of us are jealous I love Duke in the summer and the fall it is so pretty. We pull up to my favorite cafe to have lunch with Kate. I haven't seen Kate since the camp although we've sent texts and emails back and forth.

"Hey Kate nice to see you."

"Good to see you. Hey Nicole."

"Good to see you Kate."

We sit down and order diet cokes and some bruschetta before we order lunch. We sit and talk and laugh and enjoy the day. The three of us after lunch go get facials and massages we needed them. 

How's the summer so far?"

"It's been good. What about you?"

"My summer has been good. I've been talking to someone."

"Who have you been talking to?"

"Marshall Plumlee do you know him?"

"I do you would like him he's funny and he's a good guy."

*Flash forward to freshmen year*

Nicole, Kate, and I made it back from Paris we had fun even though it rained a few days. I was glad to be home. I was headed to Duke for volleyball and to move in. My dad picked us up from the airport.

"Welcome home princess."

"Hi dad"

"Did you enjoy Paris?"

"Yes why do you think I'm excited to be home."

My dad drives us home and tells us that mom is making dinner and is letting Nicole stay over. After dinner Nicole and I FaceTime the boys because we wanted to and it had been awhile since we all last talked and then Nicole and I were going to watch Friends on Netflix. We both missed those two fools like crazy.

"Hey boys"

"Hey baby girl glad to have you home."

"Glad to be home I'll be over in the morning."

"Where's Luke?"

"I'm right here love."

"Can't wait to see you tomorrow."

"What are you two up to?"

"Just got done with practice and now we're watching Friends on Netflix."

"We're about to do the same thing."

After we got done talking we start to watch Friends and then we fall asleep after a few episodes we were tired from the plane trip home. I was just ready for tomorrow I couldn't wait any longer I had things to do and places to be.

A/N: I'm so so sorry this chapter is late and that it is short and it kind of really wasn't a fast forward so to speak. I was going to have this out Saturday but this weekend was so emotional and I didn't want to cry writing this chapter and I'm crying now. Grayson thank you for a fun four years and we all enjoyed watching you grow through all that you have gone through. Thanks for the memories and we all deeply love you.

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