Chapter 35

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I wake up the next morning and put on some leggings and a sweater. Somehow Grayson was up before I was and had Mike and Leah up who were in the living room watching cartoons. I heard a loud knock on the door which meant that Luke and Nicole were here.

Nicole: "Good morning"

Me: "Hi"

Luke: "Where is he?"

Me: "Check the kitchen"

Nicole: "We brought donuts"

Me: "Good thinking"

Luke: "We have UNC at UNC when we get back"

Nicole: "I hate how short this has to be"

Me: "I would rather have it be short"

The three of us sit down at the kitchen table and eat. There was also Starbucks in there as well. I don't do mornings I'm usually not a morning person. My parents come walking into the kitchen.

My mom: "Shouldn't you be leaving"

Me: "Yes but you don't rush breakfast"

My dad: "Your mom and I stocked the kitchen so there is plenty of food"

Luke: "That is if you use it"

Grayson: "At least we'll end up leaving the house"

Nicole: "Okay you guys are right"

Me: "We should all be going"

The four of us all walk outside and head to the airport. Nicole and Luke were flying commercial while Grayson and I were taking my parents' plane. I will say those couches are comfortable to sleep on.

Nicole: "Have fun you two"

Me: "Thank you"

Grayson: "Try to get out when you can"

Luke: "Good luck with that"

The two of them walk to their gate to get on the plane. Grayson and I walk in the direction of the plane without having to wait at a gate. I love taking this plane I want this and the car my mom has at the airport.

Grayson: "You look tired Mrs. Allen"

Me: "Yes that I am"

Grayson: "You think Nicole would want another one?"

Me: "Not unless she's willing to give up soccer"

Grayson: "And you?"

Me: "I would if I knew I had to give up volleyball"

Grayson: "I always thought you wanted a title like your mom"

Me: "I do but if I don't get it then I don't get one it's not the end of the world"

I decide to sleep on one of the couches I was tired from the night before. Nicole and Kate know what it's like to be up all night because of having kids. I wake up when the plane starts to land at the airport.

Grayson and I get off the plane grab our luggage and head to my mom's car. We drive to the house of course not without some music. The house looks better every time I come.

Grayson: "How did your parents not want this?"

Me: "They still want to use it they just decided to pass it down"

Grayson: "Have you heard from Nicole?"

Me: "I have not"

Grayson: "They probably are having sex"

Me: "I don't doubt that"

I walk into the house and walk into the master bedroom and start to unpack. I decide to leave my swimsuit out so that I can layout. I walk out to go grab a raft to lay on. I swear if I get this taken out from under me it's war.

Of course without warning and no surprise the raft gets taken out from under me. Grayson starts cracking up laughing and I give a death glare. I splash some water at him and then he splashes me back.

Me: "Are you kidding me?"

Grayson: "No"

Me: "You're lucky I love you enough to let you do this"

Grayson: "Well then let me do one more thing"

He swims over and takes me under water and kisses me to where my back is touching the bottom of the pool. I can't even remember the last time we did this. I get out to go grab a towel and walk back into the house to go take a shower.

I walk into the bathroom and lock the door so that I could take a shower alone. I get out and put on a pair of shorts and t-shirt and then walk into the kitchen and grab a glass of wine. I smell pasta being made which I don't mind and it's one I like.

Meanwhile Nicole and Luke seem to be enjoying the beach house I recommended to them. Nicole was in the bedroom trying to unpack and Luke took the shirt out of her hand. He grabs her and takes her to the bed and kisses her.

Nicole: "We just got here and you're already starting"

Luke: "Getting a head start for when we continue later Mrs. Kennard"

Nicole: "Is that a line you use with every girl?"

Luke: "No only with my wife but I want more kids"

Nicole: "Just one more"

Luke: "Fine"

A/N: My apologies for making this short but I was going to put more but I decided not to. Good thing it is a three day weekend which hopefully gives me more time to make chapters longer and come up with ideas because I feel like I'm starting to run out but we haven't gotten to the all important part of this story and much more. 

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