Chapter 23

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My favorite Sunday of the college basketball season was approaching. Selection Sunday made me feel like a kid in a candy shop I loved when the brackets came out. I always did a bracket and today was no exception I knew who my winner was.

Luke the last few days had been out of sorts in class like something was wrong but I didn't know what. Nicole told me that he did not come home one night after she had been waiting on him to come home which I thought was odd. I started to wonder if he was sneaking around again.

Thankfully Grayson let me sleep in after we had gotten back late the previous night and we left Leah with my parents. Grayson and I decided we needed a night alone. Grayson made dinner and we watched a movie but really we didn't watch all of it. At one point we heard a knock at the door and standing at the door was Nicole crying with Tristian in her arms.

Nicole: "He didn't come home again"

Me: "Here come inside and let me take him"

Grayson: "Let me this time you got him last time. Come to Uncle Grayson buddy."

Me: "Fine and by the way he's horrible Tristian remember that"

I walk in the kitchen and grab two wine glasses out of the cabinet and a bottle of wine out of the refrigerator and pour a glass for Nicole and I. We could hear Grayson playing with Tristian in Leah's room. Nicole finished her glass before she talked about what happened.

Me: "Did Luke say anything about when he would be home?"

Nicole: "He said he would be home in time to put Tristian to bed like he always does and he didn't come home this time"

Me: "Did he call to say he was going to be late?"

Nicole: "He didn't do that and I'm worried"

Grayson comes walking in with Tristian to hear the conversation. I decide to take Tristian from him he has held that boy too long. Grayson gets a ding from his phone alerting him of a text message.

Me: "Gray sweetheart what is it?"

Grayson: "It's a message from Amile"

Nicole: "Is Luke with him?"

Grayson: "He sent a picture of Luke with someone"

Me: "Unbelievable if Anna's here I'm murdering her"

Nicole: "Can I have some more wine? I think I would murder her before you would"

Me: "I will give you what's left although this is the only bottle I have and there isn't much left"

Nicole: "You don't have more?"

Me: "No"

Tristian starts to get tired so I decide to put him in Leah's crib to sleep for a little. I turn on the white noise app on my phone to help him sleep. I turn on the night light and pat his forehead and walk out.

Nicole: "Thank you"

Me: "Oh it's no problem you're family"

Nicole: "Where is Leah?"

Grayson: "She is with Jackie's parents"

Nicole: "Oh I should've called before coming over here"

Me: "No it's fine we had nothing else going on"

Grayson: "I think I'm going to find Luke and drag him over here. I won't let him hurt you or my nephew."

Nicole: "Okay but let me yell at him. Where should I sleep for now?"

Me: "Here let me prepare the spare bedroom for you"

Nicole: "I like this better than the apartment"

Me: "Me too"

Grayson goes and gets Luke and brings him to the house. I can hear Luke scream something in the kitchen while talking to Grayson in the kitchen. Luke's screaming wakes up Tristian so I get up and put him back to sleep with a lullaby and he falls right to sleep. I love this little boy he makes me want one when I get pregnant again.

Me: "Would you please be quiet"

Grayson: "I'm sorry sweetheart"

Me: "You aren't the one who needs to apologize"

Luke: "I'm sorry now where is my niece"

Me: "Leah is with my parents and apologize to Nicole and not to me. Get your act together and stop being a playboy. You have a girl who loves you and a son that idolizes you so remember those two things."

Luke: "Where is she?"

Me: "Spare bedroom now I am going back to bed"

Luke walks up the stairs to the spare bedroom and walks in. Nicole was tossing and turning trying to sleep and she couldn't sleep. Luke walked up and kissed her on the forehead. The kiss woke her up and she was not happy.

Nicole: "Well?"

Luke: "I'm sorry I let her get to me again"

Nicole: "No Luke this isn't the first time"

Luke: "I'll make her go away"

Nicole: "Make her go away or I'm gone"

Luke: "I love you and Tristian"

Nicole: "I suppose to be mad at you but I love you too"

A/N: I apologize for this chapter being short I have been thinking about this one for some time. I feel like this story is becoming slow and I'm not on the current season so I might start to do some time jumps here and there. Enjoy for now!

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