Chapter 25

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The tournament is full of big moments, big plays, and seeing players who don't play during the season do some amazing things. Freshmen who haven't played all season have a chance to get in on the action and be ready when needed. I had a feeling that Grayson was going to be one of those players and have two breakout games. I along with everybody else was right and was one of many reasons for a fifth title.

I had set an alarm to remind myself that I wanted to go workout and get in some practice serves. I wanted to get myself prepared for the season and summer workouts. I walk into the living room to see Grayson trying to teach Leah how to walk she kind of was getting it. Leah is smart like her mother but has her father's dorky laugh and his smile.

Me: "Well good morning"

Grayson: "Starbucks and a blueberry muffin are in the kitchen for you"

Me: "Thank you"

Grayson: "No problem. Any word on Kate?"

Me: "No she's still on bedrest until she delivers the baby"

Grayson: "At least she'll listen to the doctor and watch the games from the couch"

Me: "You and Luke really thought Nicole and I were really going to watch from the couch"

Grayson: "No"

Me: "Okay then I'm going to work out I'll be back"

I got in my car and went to Cameron to go run and get some serves up. I liked being in the gym by myself it allowed me to think clearly. After I was done working out I laid down in the middle of the floor and looked up at all the banners I still wanted one.

I went back to the house to take a shower. I felt Grayson behind me as I was putting shampoo in my hair. How did he know that I was in here. He must have heard the water running when I turned it on.

Me: "What are you doing?"

Grayson: "I thought I'd take a shower with you"

Me: "How did you know I was in here?"

Grayson: "I heard the water running. You know what we could do."

Me: "You really want our daughter hearing us"

Grayson: "I just put her down for a nap"

Me: "Okay fine"

After taking a shower I decide to go finish packing for the last two games in Indianapolis. My parents were going as my dad got asked to talk to the team before the game against Michigan State. I was waiting on Nicole to get here so that we could leave. I saw Nicole pull in the driveway from the front window.

Nicole: "Hi sorry we're late"

Me: "Oh it's no big deal. Here let me take Tristian"

Nicole: "Thank you although he fell asleep on the way here"

Me: "Okay I'll be careful"

Nicole and I finished getting the car packed and ready for the airport. I made the kids a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch to eat before we left. After lunch we headed to the airport for another round of games.

My parents were meeting us at the airport. They were flying on the plane that they owned it had couches to sleep on for long plane flights if you felt like sleeping. Nicole and I take one couch and the kids take the other couch. My parents can sit elsewhere there is more room. I can hear my parents' conversation as they get on the plane.

My mom: "Hey everybody"

Me: "Hi"

Nicole: "Hey"

Me: "What's the conversation about?"

My dad: "Your mom and I are talking about which tournament is bigger"

My mom: "Volleyball is bigger"

My dad: "More people watch basketball"

Me: "Okay you two I love you guys but mom I have to agree with dad with basketball there are bigger moments"

I fell asleep on the plane and my mom woke me up when we got there. Leah fell asleep too so I carefully picked her up and carried her through the airport. My parents got a rental car for the trip so did Nicole and I. My parents were staying at the same hotel that the team was staying at. When we walked in the team was sitting in the lobby. 

Grayson: "Hey baby"

Me: "Hey I'm going up to the room to put Leah down for a nap"

Grayson: "Okay I'll be up soon"

*Jumping ahead to the games*

The boys had to play Michigan State in the final four. Justise in the game had 19 points, Jah had 18, and Quinn had 17 to lead us to an 81-61 victory. The game was played in Indianapolis where won the 2010 championship in a game that went down to the wire.

The game didn't start out the way that the team had hopped and were down in the first four minutes 14-6. Things changed in a hurry and things looked promising. The team started to play defense and contested more shots that Michigan State was trying to shoot. There was one offensive play where Grayson shot a three missed it got the rebound and made his own miss. The team would go on to play Wisconsin in the finals.

The game on Monday night was a late one so I decided to take a nap before going to the game. I wanted to stay up for this because this is what it's all about all or nothing. Tonight was going to be one special night that is unforgettable.

The boys played their hearts out and came back from being down nine at one point. The final was 68-63 and was a nerve racking game to watch. Tyus, Justise, and Jah all played a heck of a game but there was a big surprise performance that happened in the game. Turns out I was right on who would have that big performance. As it has been said time and time again the tournament is full of big moments and bench players have to be ready to go in when needed. Grayson had 16 points in the game and was one of the many reasons why we won.

After the final buzzer the confetti starts to fall and everybody runs out onto the court. I was standing in the middle of the court enjoying the moment. Grayson at one point runs over and twirls me in the air and then kisses me. That is a night that will never be forgotten.

A/N: Hey everybody we have come to the end of the first part of this book. I will try to have the second part out by this weekend hopefully. I hope NicoleHeartsGrayson3 didn't scare you too much last night she had me worried there for a little. Until next time my lovely readers.

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